9 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Tenancy Policy and HRA Rent Setting Policy PDF 178 KB
A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care is attached. This presents a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Tenancy Policy and a HRA Rent Setting Policy for the Council. (Key decision – reference number 3735)
(Report No.115)
(8.35 – 8.40 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care (No.115) presenting a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Tenancy Policy and a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent Setting Policy for the Council.
1. The background to Enfield’s Tenancy Strategy as set out in section 3 of the report. The Tenancy Policy proposed no changes to current policy and practice. The Council did not currently propose to offer fixed term tenancies to its HRA tenants. The Council wanted to build strong and stable neighbourhoods.
2. The detail of Enfield’s HRA rent setting policy as outlined in section 3 of the report. The majority of rents would be charged in line with the National Social Rent Policy, as detailed in the report.
3. That it was proposed to review both policies on an annual basis.
4. Councillor Orhan questioned the implications for the tenants of Ponders End following a recent tenants’ meeting. Reassurances had been provided to the tenants concerned by Councillor Oykener and there were no outstanding issues with regard to this policy document.
Alternative Options Considered: The Council was required by its own Tenancy Strategy, and by law, to publish a Tenancy Policy. It was also good practice to publish a Rent Setting Policy. Section 4 of the report referred.
DECISION: The Cabinet
1. Agreed the HRA Tenancy Policy and the HRA Rent Setting Policy as appended to the report as appendices A and B.
2. Noted the proposal to review both policies on an annual basis.
Reason: To agree the HRA Tenancy Policy and Rent Setting Policy. To review the two policies annually so that they remain current and reflect the Council’s ambitions around maximising the delivery of affordable housing.
(Key decision – reference number 3735)