6 Capital Programme Monitor Third Quarter December 2013 Budget Year 2013-14 PDF 534 KB
A report from the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This informs Members of the current position up to the end of December 2013 regarding the Council’s Capital Programme (2013-17). (Key decision – reference number 3763)
(Report No.203)
(8.20 – 8.25 pm)
Councillor Andrew Stafford (Cabinet Member for Finance and Property) introduced the report of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.203) informing Members of the current position up to the end of December 2013 regarding the Council’s Capital Programme (2013-17) taking into account the latest information for all capital schemes including the funding arrangements.
1. That the overall projected expenditure was projected to be £69.0m for the General Fund and £43.7m for the HRA for 2013/14.
2. An amendment sheet was circulated at the meeting in respect of Appendix A to the report regarding the schemes within Regeneration, Leisure and Culture for the capital programme 2013-2017. The amended figures are set out below:
Scheme |
2013/14 £000 |
2014/15 £000 |
2015/16 £000 |
2016/17 £000 |
Total Current projection £000 |
Ponders End |
802 |
1,694 |
935 |
0 |
3,431 |
New Southgate |
260 |
813 |
1,850 |
750 |
3,673 |
Meridian Water |
1,056 |
15,122 |
21,471 |
5,500 |
43,149 |
Edmonton projects |
15 |
1,288 |
1,700 |
1,500 |
4,503 |
3. The detail of the capital spending plans for 2013-2017 as set out in the report including the Council’s borrowing and investment activity. Members’ attention was drawn to several of the major projects within the programme; Appendix A to the report set out the detailed programme.
Alternative Options Considered: None stated, not applicable to this report.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed
1. The additions to the General Fund Capital Programme totalling £541k in 2013/14 (Table 1 – to be funded from grants and earmarked resources) and noted that this would not materially increase capital financing costs.
2. The updated four year programme including proposed reductions subject to indicative estimates included in later years (as detailed in section 5 of the report), including the amendments provided at the meeting.
Reason: To continue to monitor the Council’s Capital Programme.
(Key decision – reference number 3763)