11 Future Provision of Secondary Tuition Services (PRU) PDF 266 KB
A report from the Director of Schools and Children’s Services is attached. This details proposals for the re-provision of the Secondary Tuition Service also known as the Pupil Referral Unit from its current multi-site accommodation on to one site on 230 Bullsmoor Lane. (Report No.102 agenda Part Two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 3799)
(Report No.98)
(8.45 – 8.50 pm)
Councillor Andrew Stafford (Cabinet Member for Finance and Property) introduced the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services (No.98) detailing proposals for the re-provision of the Secondary Tuition Service also known as the Pupil Referral Unit from its current multi-site accommodation on to one site on 230 Bullsmoor Lane.
1. That Report No.102 also referred as detailed in Minute No.24 below.
2. The detailed proposals as set out in the report. This re-provision was part of the Council’s overall strategy for the provision of sufficient school places in the Borough.
3. In relation to paragraph 3.2 of the report, Andrew Fraser (Director of Schools and Children’s Services) advised Members that the purchase of Orchardside Nursery, 230 Bullsmoor Lane, had been completed on 30 September 2013.
Alternative Options Considered: To continue to provide services from the current locations, to use the St. Mary’s site which had originally been purchased and latterly identified as being too small or to find an alternative site.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed that approval be given to
1. Agree the additional capital funding for the proposed works and associated technical services totalling £3.099m as detailed in paragraph 7.1 (financial implications) of the report and to include the revised total project value of £7.5m over three years in the Council’s capital programme.
2. The Director of Schools and Children’s Services being authorised to approve expenditure for orders by operational decision for individual orders up to a maximum of £250,000 for works and technical services.
3. The Director of Schools and Children’s Services being authorised to manage the project budget in a flexible way within the overall funding available to take account of variations between estimates and tender costs.
4. The Director of Schools and Children’s Services being authorised to approve an appropriate procurement strategy by operational decision for works and technical services, subject to the financial restrictions in 2 and 3 above.
5. The Director of Schools and Children’s Services being authorised to undertake the work for and approve submission of a Planning Application.
6. Approve the disposal of the two assets detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the part 2 report (Report No.102, Minute No.24 below refers), subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Property.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to approve the additional capital requirement of £3.099 be added to the Council’s capital programme.
Reason: To enable works and technical services to be procured as soon as possible to address the accommodation shortcomings so that students could be offered a wider range of practically-based courses.
(Key decision – reference number 3799)