9 Alma Estate Regeneration Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) PDF 271 KB
A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This considers the preparation of an Alma Estate Regeneration Compulsory Purchase Order. (Key decision – reference number 3800)
(Report No.164)
(8.35 – 8.40 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.164) regarding the preparation of the Alma Estate Regeneration Compulsory Purchase Order.
1. That it was intended that the compulsory purchase order would only be used as a measure of last resort should the Council fail to reach a negotiated settlement with leaseholders and commercial lessees, as detailed in the report. Every effort would be made to reach negotiated settlements.
2. The Council had now selected Countryside Properties as the Council’s development partner to redevelop the Alma Estate. The Council was obligated, under the contract with Countryside Properties, to achieve vacant possession on a phased basis.
3. That negotiations would be guided by the Estate Renewal Leaseholder Framework report, Minute No.8 above refers.
Alternative Options Considered: An alternative option would be for the Council to draw up one CPO for Phase 1 and another for Phases 2-4. As explained in the report, this strategy would weaken the Council’s case at a public enquiry. If the Council decided not to seek CPO powers, the delivery of the whole regeneration would be significantly undermined as there would be a very high risk that vacant possession would not be achieved within the timescales as leaseholders might decide to not sell back, or hold out for unreasonable and unrealistic offers from the Council.
DECISION: The Cabinet
1. Resolved to use CPO powers and authorised officers to carry out all CPO preparatory work for the London Borough of Enfield (Alma Estate Regeneration) Compulsory Purchase Order 2014 to effect acquisition of land and new rights within the areas described in the report and shown edged red (bold) on the Plan attached to the report (the proposed “Order Land”). The Council being of the view that the proposed acquisition of the Order Land would:
(a) Facilitate the carrying our of the development/redevelopment or improvement on or in relation to the Order Land: and
(b) Would contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Borough.
2. Noted that a further report would follow later in 2014, attaching the draft Order and Statement of Reasons, seeking a resolution from Cabinet at that future point in time that the Council proceed to make the London Borough of Enfield (Alma Estate Regeneration) Compulsory Purchase Order 2014.
3. Delegated to the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care with the approval of the Assistant Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (Property Services), whereby the level and terms of such approval may be agreed in accordance with the Property Procedure Rules:
(a) To prepare a Statement of Reasons based on the purpose and justification set out in the report, finalise the Order Plan and effect any other procedural and/or preparatory requirements.
(b) To acquire any interests in land within the Order Land by agreement and the making of payments equivalent to the market value of ... view the full minutes text for item 9