7 Quarterly Corporate Performance Report PDF 137 KB
A report from the Chief Executive is attached. This notes progress made towards delivering the identified key priority indicators for Enfield. (Key decision – reference number 3864)
(Report No.204)
(8.25 – 8.30 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Achilleas Georgiou (Deputy Leader) introduced the report of the Chief Executive (No.204) presenting the latest quarterly report on the Corporate Performance Scorecard.
1. The progress made towards delivering the identified key priority indicators for Enfield;
2. That the priority indicator scorecard grouped performance indicators under the Council’s three strategic aims, Fairness for All, Growth and Sustainability and Strong Communities. 81 performance indicators were being reported, of which 75 had targets. Of these, 47 (62.7%) were at green; 16 (21.3%) were at amber; and, 12 (16%) were at red.
3. The details contained with the Corporate Performance Scorecard and the explanations provided for individual indicators as set out in the report.
4. The indicators within Adult Social Care and the responsibility of the NHS for aspects of the performance.
Alternative Options Considered: Not to report regularly on the Council’s performance. This would make it difficult to assess progress made on achieving the Council’s main priorities and to demonstrate the value for money being provided by Council services.
Reason: To update Cabinet on the progress made against all key priority performance indicators for the Council.
(Key decision – reference number 3864)