8 Brimsdown Primary School Investment PDF 167 KB
A report from the Director of Schools and Children’s Services is attached. This provides an update on the need to provide primary pupil places in the North East of the borough as a result of two local academies’ proposed increases to their primary school provision and the subsequent effect on Council proposals for the expansion of Brimsdown Primary School. (Key decision – reference number 3869)
(Report No.205)
(8.30 – 8.35 pm)
Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) introduced the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services (No.205) providing an update on the need to provide Primary pupil places in the North East of the borough.
1. That the replacement of the kitchen and dining facilities at Brimsdown Primary School were required as a matter of urgency and it was proposed that they be re-provided in such a way which would allow them to be incorporated into the current school buildings or to form part of the re-provision of a new build, as set out in the report.
2. That the staff and Governing Body of the school were pleased with the proposed improvements.
Alternative Options Considered: The Council had considered re-provision and expansion of the school as part of the Primary Expansion Programme (PEP2) programme however, due to the provision of additional primary school places via two local academies there was no longer a need. It was not an option to do nothing to the current kitchen and dining facilities the current buildings were no longer fit for purpose and require replacement.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to approve
1. The updated strategy to provide school places in the North East of the borough and to note that it no longer required a Council funded school expansion in the short to medium term.
2. That Brimsdown Primary School’s kitchen and dining facilities be re-provided at an estimated cost of up to £3m including contingency, from within the PEP2 project costs already included in the Council’s Capital Programme. It was proposed that these facilities be provided in such a way which would facilitate either an improvement of the current building stock or the re-provision of the school on site.
3. That a detailed options appraisal be undertaken on the site to assess the benefits and costs of either upgrade the current building stock to enable the school to deliver the curriculum into the 21st Century or to re-provide the school within the school site.
4. Delegated authority to the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People (via a portfolio decision) to take decisions on:
· Entering into contractual arrangements and placing orders for required construction works.
5. Delegated authority to the Director of Schools and Children’s Services on the:
· Appointment of appropriate technical services such as architects, surveyors and contract managers.
· Submission of planning applications; and
· The appropriate procurement routes for individual schemes
Reason: The school buildings were in need of improvement with the kitchen and dining room block in urgent need of replacement with the potential of imminent failure.
(Key decision – reference number 3869)