13 Small Housing Sites: Five Year Programme PDF 221 KB
A report from the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services is attached. This seeks approval to progress the small housing sites project. (Report No.57, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 3920)
(Report No.56)
(8.55 – 9.00pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration) introduced the report of the Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.56) seeking approval to bring forward an additional development and initiate Phase 2 of the programme.
1. That Report No.57 also referred as detailed in Minute No.20 below.
2. The progress made in delivery of Phase 1 of the Small Housing Sites programme, including establishment of an innovative funding model and Council owned subsidiary company or Special Purpose Vehicle for new build housing with works now progressing on site.
3. The innovative nature of the Council’s housing development and estate renewal programme, which had been recognised and generated interest nationally.
4. The opportunity identified to include an additional site under Phase 1 of the programme involving the former Ordnance Public House & Kettering Hall site.
5. The approach being developed to initiate Phase 2 of the Small Housing Sites project and develop a rolling programme, as detailed within the report.
Alternative Options Considered:
1. Land at Former Ordnance Public House & Kettering Hall: do nothing or place in Phase 2 of Small Housing Site Programme.
2. Small Housing Sites Phase 2: do nothing or dispose of sites without design/planning.
3. Small Housing Sites – Rolling Programme: do nothing
DECISION: Cabinet agreed;
1. To authorise the inclusion of the former Ordnance Public House & Kettering Hall site as part of the Small Housing Site (Phase 1) project and delegate authority to the Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care, the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services and the Cabinet Member for Housing & Estate Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Finance, to authorise the development strategy.
2. To authorise the initiation of the Small Housing Sites (Phase 2) project, in accordance with the contents of the report.
3. To note that a Cabinet report would follow in 2015 with a detailed options appraisal for the Small Housing Sites (Phase 2) project with a recommended development strategy and associated budgetary requirements.
4. To note the intention for the Development & Estate Renewal Team to undertake pre-design work on additional sites to enable further phases of the Small Housing Sites programme to be brought forward.
5. To note the approach to consultation in paragraphs 3.14 and 3.23 – 3.26 of the report.
Reason: There are considerable economic, social and environmental incentives for comprehensively redeveloping the Ordnance Public House & Kettering Hall site and progressing Phase 2 and a rolling programme for the Small Housing Sites project, (as detailed in section 5 of the report). (Key decision – reference number 3920)