10 Cycle Enfield Project - Governance Arrangements PDF 185 KB
A report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks to establish the governance arrangements that the Council will put in place to oversee the delivery of the Cycle Enfield project. (Key decision – reference number 3926)
(Report No.53)
(8.40 – 8.45pm)
Councillor Chris Bond (Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.53) seeking approval to the governance arrangements to oversee delivery of the Cycle Enfield project.
1. The following amendments to the Project Governance arrangements for the Cycle Enfield project (detailed in section 5 and Appendix 1 and 2 of the report) reported by Councillor Bond at the meeting:
a. The inclusion of an independent critical friend to replace the Cabinet Member for Economic Development as a member of the Cycle Enfield Project Board; and
b. The inclusion of delegated authority for the Cabinet Member Environment and Community Safety, in consultation with the relevant Associate Cabinet Member, to vary the membership of the Cycle Enfield Partnership Boards.
2. The appointment by the Mayor of London of the following as “Critical Friends” to provide external challenge and act as design champions for the Cycle Enfield schemes - Roger Hawkins (Hawkins Brown), Sunand Prasad (Penoyre & Prasad) and Peter Murray (New London Architecture).
3. The receipt of a letter from the Green Lanes Business Association in advance of the meeting, relating to the proposals within the report, which Councillor Bond confirmed he would respond to outside of the meeting.
4. The following comments highlighted by Councillor Laban, on behalf of the Opposition Group, who had requested to speak on this item at the meeting:
a. the need identified to ensure that key local retail business associations were represented on the Area Partnership Boards in addition to the Enfield Business and Retailers Association in order to utilise local knowledge.
b. the need to ensure that key local stakeholders were fully engaged in the consultation process and development of scheme proposals;
5. In response to the comments in 4. above, Councillor Taylor, supported by Councillor Orhan, highlighted the flexibility already built into the governance structure to enable the inclusion of other key stakeholders as and when they were identified. Whilst keen to consult and engage with stakeholders it was important to note that no final guarantee could be provided as to how any views expressed would be reflected within final scheme proposals.
Alternative Options Considered: TfL have not been prescriptive about how local governance is arranged, which could be officer led. This could, however, lead to concerns being raised as to the transparency of the process.
DECISION: Cabinet agreed to approve the governance arrangements as set out in the report, subject to the following amendments:
1. the Cabinet Member for Economic Development being replaced as a member of the Cycle Enfield Project Board by an “independent critical friend”; and
2. Delegated authority being granted for the Cabinet Member Environment & Community Safety, in consultation with the relevant Associate Cabinet Member, to vary the membership of the Cycle Enfield Area Partnership Boards as and when required as key stakeholder groups are identified.
Reason: The Cycle Enfield project will get more people cycling in Enfield by making it safe and convenient. Good governance of the ... view the full minutes text for item 10