Issue - meetings

Amendments to the Constitution: Changes to the Political Management Structure and Allowance Scheme

Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Council (Item 13)

13 Amendments to the Constitution: Changes to the Political Management & Member engagement structure pdf icon PDF 633 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services proposing changes to the Council’s decision making and Member engagement structure.(Report No.1)



Councillor Achilleas Georgiou moved and Councillor Simon seconded a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services (No.1) detailing the outcome of a review of the Council’s political management and member engagement structure undertaken, following the election of the new Administration in May 2014.




1.         The changes set out in the report had been focussed on the following areas:


a.         The structure and role of Cabinet and Cabinet Members, the role and function of scrutiny and of the Council’s wider committee structures;


b.         Members representational roles and engagement structures;


c.         Members Allowances including Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs);


d.         The structure and operation of the Council’s Planning Committee, following a peer review by the Planning Advisory Service;


e.         The deadline for submission of motions with notice to Council, following review by the Members & Democratic Services Group;


2.         The proposals within the report had been designed to:


a.         enhance members representational roles at ward level;


b.         reflect the need for the Council to make substantial savings over the next four years in response to significant budget restraints which would limit the resources available to support members;


c.         enable members to develop their representational role and establish clear and accountable mechanisms for listening to and representing local people and in championing their needs on a more strategic and holistic level, in order to manage and deliver more responsive services based around the Council’s strategic aims;


d.         retain a scrutiny function that whilst continuing to play an important role in holding the Executive to account, would also provide a more flexible and focussed approach towards the identification of work streams within the more limited financial and operational resources available.  The scrutiny model proposed had been based on structures developed within other local authorities and would also ensure that the statutory scrutiny requirements placed on the Council in relation to Health and Crime & Disorder were maintained.


e.         be cost neutral in terms of the review of Members Allowances and Special Responsibility Allowances


3.         The areas to be covered and functions of the three new Associate Cabinet Members posts, as detailed were detailed in section 3.7 of the report.  The Associate Cabinet Member posts would cover three, geographical areas covering the whole borough.  Whilst the posts would not have Executive status they would provide a focal point within their areas for co-ordinating member engagement in regeneration and other wider strategic objectives/developments and serving as link between the locality and Cabinet/Council.


4.         Whilst supportive of the proposals within recommendations 2.2 (b), (c) and (e) and 2.6 of the report, concerns were raised by the Opposition Group in relation to the following issues:


a.         The lack of detailed cross party consultation on the proposals relating to scrutiny, member engagement and introduction of the Associate Cabinet Member positions in advance of the Council meeting;


b.         The impact of the proposals in relation to the ability of scrutiny to continue effectively holding the Executive to account and assisting with the wider development of members;


c.         The role and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13