Issue - meetings

KD 3973 Enabling Meridian Water Infrastructure

Meeting: 22/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Enabling Meridian Water Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 141 KB

A report from the Director of Regeneration and Environment will be circulated as soon as possible. This summarises the progress to date. (Report No.97, agenda part two also refers)(Key decision – reference number 3973)

(Report No.90)


(9.15 – 9.20pm)


Additional documents:


Councillor Ahmet Oykener (Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration) and Alan Sitkin (Cabinet Member for Economic Development) introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Environment (No.90) summarising the progress to date.




1.               That Report No.97 also referred as detailed in Minute No.28 below.


2.               Councillor Oykener emphasised the importance of the decisions detailed in the report which represented a key milestone in the progress of enabling Meridian Water infrastructure. The development cut across a number of Cabinet portfolios and Members would continue to work together to progress the development and implementation of the project. The significant level of new housing that would be provided was highlighted as set out in the report.


3.               Councillor Sitkin highlighted the complexity of the project and the need for effective partnership working to move forward effectively. This represented a significant area of joint working for the benefit of the Borough and its residents.


4.               Councillor Robert Hayward was invited to present his comments to the Cabinet. Councillor Hayward reported that the Conservative Group was supportive of the Meridian Water development and the development of new homes and jobs in the Borough. He stressed the importance of the design of the housing to ensure that they were family friendly with the provision of adequate grassed areas and safe places for children to play.


5.               Members raised a number of issues in respect of the development including the need to effectively support public health issues including facilities suitable for the disabled and, encouraging active lifestyles through for example the encouragement and walking and cycling. The boulevard was designed to be an attractive high quality route through the development.


6.               Councillor Oykener referred members to the new Housing Development Framework (Minute No.11 above referred) and emphasised the importance of involving residents in the consultation on design proposals.


7.               The project would assist in addressing the housing shortage in the Borough and the creation of new jobs. The scheme would link in with the Lee Valley Heat Network.


Alternative Options Considered: Do nothing. This would fail to achieve the objectives set out for delivery of Meridian Water, and lose the significant economic, social and environmental benefits set out with the Meridian Water Masterplan. The Council could decide to wait for developer contributions to fully fund Meridian Boulevard. It was unlikely that contributions would fully fund Meridian Boulevard in the short to medium term, and delivery of this major infrastructure project would therefore be at risk of coming forward in a piecemeal way.


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.               Endorse the Safeguarded Highway Route for the Meridian Water Causeway (Meridian Boulevard) as detailed in Annex 1 to the report.

2.               Authorise the Director of Regeneration and Environment to appoint consultants via the Government Procurement Service Transport Related Engineering Advice and Research (T-TEAR) framework to develop the detailed design of Phases 1 and 2 of The Causeway (including service diversions and provision of the LVHN pipeline) and to secure technical approval from the council in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16