Issue - meetings

Change in the Order of Business

Meeting: 24/06/2015 - Council (Item 32)

Order of Business


Before moving on to deal with Opposition Business, Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor Taylor seconded a proposal, under paragraph 2.2 (page 4-6) of the Council Procedure Rules, to move the order of items so that the following were dealt with immediately following Opposition Business:


·                Motion 19.4: In the name of Councillor Anderson relating to fly-tipping


·                Motion 19.1: In the name of Councillor Neville relating to the conduct of a councillor


·                Emergency Motion submitted in the name of Councillor Hamilton relating to funding for Primary Care and GP services in Enfield


·                Agenda Item 16: Enfield OFSTED Improvement Plan (Report No.5)


·                Agenda Item 10: Library Development Strategy 2015-2018 (Report No.7)


·                Item 17 (Report No. 10 Part 1 agenda) and Item 4 (Report No. 15 Part 2 agenda): Housing Gateway Ltd Annual Report


The change in the order of the agenda was agreed, without a vote.


Please note the minutes reflect the order in which the agenda items were dealt with at the meeting.

Meeting: 25/03/2015 - Council (Item 172)

Order of Business


Councillor Stewart then moved and Councillor Rye seconded a further proposal to change the order of business on the agenda under paragraph 2.2 (page 4-6) of the Council Procedure Rules to enable the meeting to take the following as the next item of business:


Item 9 Child Sexual Exploitation Task Group – Terms of Reference and Operational Arrangements.


The change in the order of the agenda was agreed, without a vote.


Please note the minutes reflect the order in which the agenda items were dealt with at the meeting.