Issue - meetings

Election of Mayor

Meeting: 10/05/2017 - Council (Item 4)

Election of Mayor

To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2017/18. 


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Laban seconded the nomination of Councillor Christine Hamilton as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2017/18 Municipal Year. 


Councillor Taylor, in nominating Councillor Hamilton, said that he thought that she must be the first Mayor of Enfield to support Wigan Football Club and that as she lived in the same road as a previous Mayor he thought they might have to change the name of the street to Mayor Street.  He was sure that she would be a fantastic mayor, a good ambassador both inside and outside the borough, who would deal with all members fairly and equally.  He had no reservation in nominating her. 


Councillor Laban, on behalf of the Conservative Group, endorsed the comments of Councillor Taylor and said that she had great respect for Councillor Hamilton.  She had worked with her when Councillor Hamilton was Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Health and had joined her in supporting White Ribbon and International Women’s days.  She felt she was an excellent candidate, wished her the best of luck and hoped that she had a fantastic year as Mayor. 


AGREED that Councillor Christine Hamilton be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Hamilton then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Lappage.

Meeting: 11/05/2016 - Council (Item 5)

Election of Mayor

To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2016/17. 


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Neville seconded the nomination of Councillor Bernadette Lappage as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2016/17 Municipal Year. 


Councillor Neville, in seconding the nomination on behalf of the Conservative Group, looked forward to Councillor Lappage’s year of office acknowledging that they had worked together for a long time, and he wished her an enjoyable year.


AGREED that Councillor Bernadette Lappage be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2016/17 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Lappage then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Ekechi.