Issue - meetings

KD 4348 Meridian Water Compulsory Purchase Order

Meeting: 06/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Meridian Water In Principle Compulsory Purchase Order pdf icon PDF 266 KB

A report from the Director – Regeneration and Environment is attached. This seeks approval in principle to use its compulsory purchase powers for acquisition of land necessary for the delivery of the Meridian Water Regeneration Scheme. (Report No.71, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 4348)

(Report No.66)

(8.45 – 8.50 pm)

Additional documents:


Councillor Alan Sitkin (Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Business Development) introduced the report of the Director – Regeneration and Environment (No.66) seeking agreement, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers for acquisition of land necessary for the delivery of the Meridian Water Regeneration Scheme.




1.               That Report No.71 also referred as detailed in Minute No.21 below.


2.               That this report was coming forward now following the selection of Barratt London and SEGRO as master developer in May 2016.


3.               That agreement in principle only was being sought at this stage. Negotiations would continue to take place with a view to achieving, so far as practicable, voluntary acquisition of land needed to facilitate development, as detailed in the report. The report set out the processes that would be followed if it proved necessary to initiate a CPO in the future.


4.               That any CPO application made in the future to the Secretary of State would need to clearly demonstrate that detailed and significant negotiations had been undertaken prior to applying for a CPO. Active negotiations would continue to take place with CPOs only being sought as a last resort.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, the alternative options which had been considered as set out in full in section 4 of the report.  


DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to


1.               Pass a resolution stating in principle that the Council agrees to use compulsory purchase powers to acquire the land within the area described in the report and shown on the plan attached at Annex 1 of the report. The Council being of the view that compulsory acquisition of land is likely to be necessary in order to achieve the following:


(a)  Secure the delivery of the Meridian Water Regeneration Scheme and its housing and job-creation objectives.

(b)  Facilitate the carrying out of the development within agreed costs and timescales in partnership with the now appointed Master Developer; and

(c)  Contribute to the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Borough.


2.               Authorise Council officers to begin preparatory work to use its compulsory purchase powers, including serving a Requisition on land owners for declaration of land interests, and the preparation of a Statement of Reasons.


3.               Note all necessary expenditure associated with such preparatory work (including legal fees, consultants’ fees, and any other investigation work or research) would be contained within the existing approved capital budget.


4.               Note that a further report would come forward to Cabinet early in 2017 recommending the Meridian Water CPO Strategy and the making of the CPO.


5.               Note that a Meanwhile Strategy for Meridian Water would be coming forward later in 2016.


Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for the recommendations as set out in full in section 5 of the report.

(Key decision – reference number 4348)