Issue - meetings

UNISON / NHS Bursary Removal

Meeting: 05/10/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 UNISON / NHS Bursary Removal pdf icon PDF 252 KB

To discuss the impact of potential changes to the NHS Bursary system.


RECEIVED a letter from UNISON to Ray James (Director of Health, Housing & Adult Social Care) in respect of the proposed NHS bursary removal.




1.    Ray James confirmed that a copy of the letter had been sent to him and others and inviting consideration by local health and wellbeing boards.

2.    An emailed response from Andrew Wright (Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust) was tabled in his absence. BEH-MHT was clear that this proposal, if implemented, would add to their current difficulties in recruiting nurses.

3.    Vivien Giladi (Voluntary Sector) wished the Board to support the UNISON letter, noting that trainee nurses did a lot of unpaid work, which was also physically and emotionally draining, and under the proposals would face debt and paying to work for nothing. When there was a need for increased numbers of nurses, this plan seemed counter-productive.

4.    Libby McManus (North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust) reported a recent debate at Kings College London which heard views from both sides, and noted that those applying for undergraduate nurse training places were often surprised that there were still bursaries. She was therefore unsure what impact there may be.

5.    Councillor Orhan expressed support for the template letter of response, and considered that this proposal would be a naïve and false saving which would have a huge impact on nurses coming through the system. She also suggested that UNISON be invited to send a representative to the next meeting.

6.    Deborah Fowler (Healthwatch) agreed that the risks and lack of research should be highlighted, but accusatory points be avoided.

7.    The Chair recommended an evidence based approach in a response from the Board, and that the proposal should not proceed at this time.

8.    Ray James would wish to refine the template letter to also encourage further strategic planning for health and social care nursing workforce, and agreed to circulate a draft letter to Board members for comment.


AGREED that a letter be prepared on behalf of Enfield Health and Wellbeing Board to send to the Government in response to the proposed changes in healthcare education funding.