Tim Fellows (Chair) to present item
The meetings that the Chair has participated in this period are: Safer and Stronger Communities Board, Crime Scrutiny Panel and also chaired the Hate Crime Case Management Panel.
On the 8th of November the Chair was invited to attend the Ponders End Cape, where a new Chair was elected. On the 10th December attended the LCP2 organised briefing meeting with the Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mark Simmons at New Scotland Yard. This included information on the Basic Command Unit’s (BCU), Knife Crime, Violence and Stop and Search, digital and 101, SNBs and Ward Panels and Met Plus.
One of the issues for discussion today is what information the Board requires from the police at their meetings.
We now have permission to use the very comprehensive report in the agenda pack (under Agenda item 9) created by the Council’s Community Safety Unit. This not only has all the stats but a very clear narrative to go with it.
The Chair invited discussions on the following suggestions:
The Board retain:
· Current and planned police operations
· Confidence and satisfaction
· Target establishment on CAPEs (to include staff changes, vacant posts, anticipated timelines for replacements etc).
· Complaints overview (this is in MOPAC guidelines for the Board to monitor).
· Ward-based stats. CAPE’s should be getting these figures at their meetings to look at in depth. If this is not happening they need to speak to Erica Crawshaw.
· Taser deployment-do not feel that we learn much from this
· Response Times, both I and S calls in Enfield and Haringey, with the implementation of the BCU the Chair felt that this is something that we should be scrutinising.
It was raised that Ward stats allow comparison between other wards and reflection over time and felt that this was very helpful and would like to see this continue. Some wards do receive neighbouring and comparable wards at their CAPE meetings. All CAPE’s can request this information. There must also be the knowledge behind the figures when the police attend meetings. However, it was also raised that in some cases and clusters this does not include relevant neighbouring wards Grange CAPE was given as an example. Erica will discuss with officers what information is taken to CAPEs. It is important that the information is standardised with the same level of detail provided to each CAPE. The information previously provided was very time consuming for the police and would also need to be improved going forward. The Chair and Chief inspector Bilany will liaise on the way forward
Stop & Search group have not met since the last SNB meeting but are meeting next week.
No inspections have been made at the CCTV Monitoring Station since the last meeting but will commence again very shortly.
Tim Fellows (Chair) to present item
The Safer Neighbourhood Panels still have not meet and I am doubtful they ever will again. What do chairs think about this?
Exciting meetings I have participated in this period are: Staying Safe this Summer public meeting held at Community House whish was very well attended. I attended the Hate Crime Executive meeting and chaired the Hate Crime Case Management Panel and the Safer and Stronger Communities Board meeting.
On the 4th of this month LCP2 hosted a talk by the Violent Crime Task Force an New Scotland Yard that was very informative and on Monday I attended the Neighbourhood Community Watch meeting organised by MOPAC at City Hall which wasn’t!
For some reason I have fallen off the mailing list for Crime Scrutiny Panel and only found out about the meeting after the event.
Stop & Search group have not met but will soon, we will have some feedback today.
One inspection was made at the CCTV Monitoring Station in Claverings.
There were three bids we submitted late last year and another bid which was too late. This year’s projected underspend is £13,648. Agreed projects were Enact (Youth Detached Project), Enfield Women’s Centre (Women and Girls in Charge, My Voice and I can Deal With) and finally ECYPS (Proud Schools Outreach).
Vicky Dungate and Janet Marshall advised Stop & Search meeting did not happen, CCTV Centre running smoothly and Carol Shuttle a new member.
There was One Gold Group this period.
I believe the Stop & Search group met and hopefully we will have some feedback today.
The Safer Neighbourhood Panels still have not met but I believe that they should soon. However, I seem to remember saying that for the last 3 meetings!
Exciting meetings I have participated in this period are: SSCB Serious Youth Violence Action Group day conference on 11th May, Enable’s Open afternoon at Vincent House on 7th June, Hate Crime Executive meeting on 12th June, SSCB on 5th July and most exciting of all 2½ hours on GDPR at MOPAC were we finished with more questions than answers! Under AoB I will present to you a policy that I have written as a result of that meeting.
This has been a slightly quieter period regarding meetings as the Council and to a lesser extent the police were in PURDA for some of it.
There was one Gold Group this period, but unfortunately, I was on the final day of a training course and unable to attend.
I believe the Stop & Search group met and hopefully we will have some feedback today.
The Safer Neighbourhood Panels still have not meet but I believe that they should soon. I seem to remember saying that in January however.
I attended the Crime Scrutiny Panel meeting last week and will attend SSCB next week where I have been asked to give a verbal update on Hate Crime. I also meet with Neil Billany on 19th February regarding the Capes and how to support them better.
This has been a difficult period for me work wise as I am relocating my office and giving up managing The Lancaster Centre after 15 years. This has created a lot of work and challenges; however, I hope the situation will be resolved by end of April and I will be able to dedicate more time to SNB matters. I will also have a new email address and office phone number when the move is complete.