Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 6)


A report from the Executive Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care is attached. (Non key)

(Report No.62)

(8.20 – 8.25 pm)

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Councillor Doug Taylor (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care (No.62) presenting the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016-17.


Councillor Doug Taylor welcomed Christabel Shawcross, Independent Chair of the Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board, to the meeting and invited her to present the Annual report to the Cabinet. Members received a comprehensive and informative presentation on the Annual Report and the work of the Board including the following points:


·       Christabel Shawcross had been appointed as the Independent Chair of the Board in December 2016 and paid tribute to the previous Chair Marian Harrington.

·       2016/17 had been a key year for consolidation after the introduction of the Care Act with new powers and responsibilities.

·       The role and scale of Adult Safeguarding in Enfield was highlighted, as outlined in section 2 of the Annual report.

·       The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) had a clear strategy and an annual plan to monitor and develop. The significance of partnership working was highlighted. There were new requirements to address on Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, Domestic Abuse and Hoarding.

·       The focus must be on victims of abuse and prevention measures to keep vulnerable adults safe. The statutory duties with regard to serious adults reviews were noted. It as important to learn lessons when things did go wrong and to prevent future incidents.

·       Making Safeguarding Personal was a fundamental principle of the Act, working alongside those who were abused, and Enfield had been an exemplar in this project with case audits showing quality of social work practice.

·       A summary of the scale of safeguarding issues in Enfield was outlined: 1,144 concerns had been raised with 771 meeting safeguarding criteria and 549 cases concluded. 60% had related to over 65 year olds and 23% were in residential care.

·       Enfield had the second highest number of residential care homes in London and registered home care providers. There were high numbers of older people and multi-ethnic communities in the population. There were also high numbers of deprivation of liberty orders.

·       The Board had a key partnership role with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the health service in driving up standards of care.

·       Members’ attention was drawn to the Care Quality Commission Adult Social Care Ratings for Enfield as set out in the annual report. The most vulnerable adults were those living at home on their own.

·       The importance of working in partnership with the Clinical Commissioning Group, Police, Health and other partners was noted. Such partnership working enabled information to be shared, provide challenge and review performance.

·       The role of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) was outlined, as detailed in the annual report.

·       Work was undertaken with other neighbouring Local Authorities and Safeguarding Boards across North Central London to share learning and experience.

·       There was a key focus on prevention measures. A safeguarding film had been produced for training and communication.

·       Members’ attention was drawn to the summary of Safeguarding Adult Reviews set out in section 9 of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6