Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/12/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)


To receive the Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report 2016-17 from Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Board).

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of Tony Theodoulou (Executive Director of Children’s Services).




Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Board (ESCB)) introduced the report, highlighting:

?  All the agencies were focussed on keeping children safe, and there were incredible pressures felt by every partner.

?  The ESCB wanted early help and assessments made earlier in a child’s history to prevent problems.

?  The ESCB had closely monitored the Enfield Family Resilience Strategy and all partners had signed up.

?  From 2019 there would be no legal requirement for a local authority to have a Safeguarding Children’s Board, but some legislation had not yet been enacted.

?  Many local authorities were looking at reshaping safeguarding services to include young people up to the age of 24.


IN RESPONSE comments and questions were received, including:

1.    In response to queries, it was advised that there was duplication, and therefore scope for more shared working across boroughs, but a pan London approach was felt to be too big and localism should not be lost. There was also more work with the Adult Board and a need for more joined-up working and multi-disciplinary partnership arrangements.

2.    The Chair thanked Geraldine Gavin for her attendance and the really good work of the ESCB.

3.    Tony Theodoulou wished to acknowledge the support from Grant Landon and thank him for his work.


AGREED that the Health and Wellbeing Board noted the progress being made to safeguard children and young people and the Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report.

Meeting: 10/10/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)


To receive the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016-17 from Christabel Shawcross (Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board).

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of Ray James (Executive Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care).




Sharon Burgess (Interim Head of Safeguarding Adults) and Bharat Ayer (Development Manager) introduced the report, highlighting:

?  The Independent Chair of Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board was unable to attend this meeting, but the key accomplishments and actions across the partnership were set out in the report.

?  Priorities included raising awareness. A lot of promotional material was produced in the run up to Keep Safe Week in February 2017.

?  Certain groups were identified as being less represented in safeguarding adults data, and targeted awareness sessions were organised.

?  Videos were produced and included on the Enfield Council web page regarding how to recognise signs of abuse.

?  Enfield had a high number of care providers, with 100 homes and 60 domiciliary care providers.

?  There was excellent partnership working with the CQC and the CCG, and extended to the Police and going forward to the Fire Service.

?  The Board hosted a North Central London Challenge and Learning event during the year, and this has led to a more joined up approach.

?  During the financial year, one safeguarding adult review had concluded and four reviews were initiated.

?  Looking forward, there would be focus on prevention and reaching all residents, and identifying more effective ways of working together, and ensuring safety in the provider market.


IN RESPONSE comments and questions were received, including:

1.    Councillor Cazimoglu recorded thanks to the Safeguarding Adults Board and its new chair for their work, and thanks to the officer team who carried out some of the most challenging work in the Council.

2.    In respect of deprivation of liberty data, Sharon Burgess confirmed there had been an increase this year from the last and this was common across the country, but she would expect it to come down in the next year or two.

3.    It was confirmed that board manager leads across North Central London were meeting regularly and aligning action plans. Enfield officers were attending a NCL STP workshop focussing on safeguarding tomorrow.

4.    There was work taking place and improved systems in respect of Police Merlins.

5.    Niki Nicolaou offered her assistance in reaching out to community groups.

6.    The Chair’s remarks that the Safeguarding Adults Board year after year produced exemplary reports and had a track record of partnership work and they should be congratulated. He looked forward to receiving the report at the governing body of the CCG. Health and Wellbeing Board should not simply note, but celebrate this excellent piece of work.


AGREED that the Health and Wellbeing Board noted the progress being made in protecting vulnerable adults in the Borough as set out in the annual report of the Safeguarding Adults Board.