Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/09/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 4)


To receive a presentation from Glenn Stewart (Assistant Director, Public Health, LB Enfield) and Richard Eason (Cycle Enfield Programme Director).


RECEIVED a presentation from Richard Eason (Lead Officer for Cycle Enfield, LBE).


NOTED the presentation highlighted the following:

?  The funding for the Cycle Enfield scheme came from investment from the Mayor of London: it was external funding.

?  The scheme’s aims were behaviour change and promoting active travel – to make cycling integral to people’s everyday lives.

?  A fivefold increase in bike use was sought in Enfield. This would make the population more active, and would help reduce traffic congestion.

?  30% of car journeys currently were less than 2km, which could be walked or cycled but people often did not feel safe sharing the road with motor traffic.

?  The first cycle lane was completed along Green Lanes. Work was now concentrated at Edmonton Green. This major project was being delivered with improvements to the public realm as well. There were also quieter routes through green spaces.

?  Supporting activities included better access to bikes eg dockless bike hire,  work with young people eg training in schools, and cycle parking hubs. There was also a vibrant website, social media presence and newsletters.

?  Health and Wellbeing Board could provide support through travel plans, leading by example, and supporting bids for future external investment.


IN RESPONSE comments and questions included:

1.    It was noted that the scheme had received a degree of hostility from some groups, and it should be promoted as a benefit to public health and not detrimental to local businesses. HWB Board had a role in relation to promotion of behaviour change and ensuring a positive message was heard.

2.    Cycling in Enfield was not done by some minority communities and there was a need to provide encouragement. Cycling mentors were suggested.

3.    Schools could be engaged more. Work was ongoing to provide safe cycle storage on school sites, and cycling routes to schools.

4.    Cycling should be promoted as the easy choice.


AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board noted the presentation and agreed to consider further what support could be provided by the Board.