Issue - meetings

Role of Chief Finance Officer

Meeting: 20/09/2018 - Council (Item 12)

12 Role of Chief Finance Officer pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Law and Governance on the designation of the role of the Chief Finance Officer.   (Report No:  73)


Councillor Caliskan moved and Councillor Laban seconded the report of the Director of Law and Governance on the designation of the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer) role.  (Report No:  73)




1.               That James Rolfe, the current holder of the role of chief finance officer was leaving the Council on Friday 28 September 2018. 

2.               It was proposed that Fay Hammond, his deputy, would be designated as the Section 151 officer until after a new permanent appointment was made.

3.               The Leader took the opportunity to offer her personal thanks to James Rolfe.  He had been one of the first officers to welcome her as a new backbencher and had always been generous with his time, support and understanding.

4.               James Rolfe had joined the Council in 2007.  He had made an immense contribution and provided excellent public service as depended upon by members. 

5.               His remit had included finance, legal, democratic and cultural services and he had been responsible for setting up the council companies, Housing Gateway and Enfield Innovations. 

6.               The Leader put on record the Council’s thanks and wished James luck in his new role at Anglia Ruskin University. 

7.               Councillor Laban also thanked James for this great contribution and noted that he had been appointed by a Conservative administration.  He had had cross party support.  His initiatives had included making sure that more women were included at a senior level and that the Council kept a balanced budget every year.  She thanked him for his hard work, commitment and dedication. 


AGREED to designate the Head of Finance as the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer) until such time as a permanent appointment be made to the post of Executive Director of Resources and a further report was bought to Council.