10 Reduction and Recycling Plan PDF 166 KB
A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – number 4887)
(Report No.45)
(7.50 – 7.55 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Guney Dogan (Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place (No.45) seeking approval for Enfield’s Reduction and Recycling Plan as set out in Appendix A of the report.
1. That in May 2018, the Mayor of London had published the London Environment Strategy (LES). As part of the LES, the Mayor required each London authority to produce a Reduction and Recycling Plan, as outlined in the report.
2. The detailed background to, and objectives of, the Plan as set out in section 3 of the report. The proposals for Enfield were outlined in section 3.2 of the report and highlighted to Members at the meeting. The changes to Enfield’s waste and recycling collection service planned for 2019/20, as previously agreed by Members, already supported the objectives of the Plan.
3. The work that would continue to implement and manage the service changes, as previously agreed. The Council was committed to achieving increased recycling rates, as set out in the report. This was a 4-year plan and would be reviewed with the GLA in 2022. This was a dynamic working document that would be subject to an annual internal review.
4. A discussion followed on the importance of effective communications and awareness raising campaigns. Members were reminded of the financial commitment of £100k that had already been agreed by the Cabinet as part of the planned changes to Enfield’s waste and recycling collection service. A range of communication methods would be used in order to maximise resident awareness and participation.
5. That the Plan was also an important issue regarding the climate change priorities, as discussed at the previous Cabinet meeting. Members supported the exploration of electric vehicle options for smaller fleet vehicles as set out in paragraph 3.2.5 of the report, together with the proposed trial of alternative fuels.
6. The long-term sustainability targets of the Council and the political commitment to meet the priorities and objectives outlined. The Council’s various significant strategy documents would continue to be developed to support the Council’s long-term commitments.
7. The financial implications regarding the increasing cost of disposing of waste. A key goal was seeking to reduce the amount of waste produced.
8. That officers would continue to monitor the level of interest received from residents with regular updates and briefings being provided to Members.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, there were no alternative options, London boroughs were required to produce a Reduction and Recycling Plan to set how each would contribute to the Mayor of London’s Environment Strategy targets and demonstrate general conformity with this Strategy.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to approve Enfield’s Reduction and Recycling Plan (RRP), Appendix A of the report. This plan set out objectives, targets and policies for the effective management of Enfield’s waste in line with the London Environment Strategy.
Reason: The Reduction and Recycling Plan has been written setting out the direction of travel that the London Borough of Enfield would take to contribute to the Mayor of ... view the full minutes text for item 10