Issue - meetings

Urgent Motion

Meeting: 18/09/2019 - Council (Item 12)

Urgent Motion


Councillor Caliskan moved and Councillor Yusuf seconded the following motion: 


“This Council believes that Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue parliament during a critical period approaching the 31st October deadline is a cynical affront to the principle of parliamentary democracy. This view has been reinforced by Scotland's highest civil court who ruled on the 11th September that the Prime Minister’s shutdown of parliament was unlawful. On the 6th September the English high court judges decided that suspending Parliament was a ‘purely political’ move by the Prime Minister.


The Prime Minister’s refusal to allow our representatives in the House of Commons to debate and scrutinise his government, is the disposal of democratic legislative scrutiny altogether.


As Johnson hurtles towards a no-deal exit, residents across Enfield are worried. The Governor of the Bank of England has warned of an instant shock to the economy in the event of a no-deal, and that medicine and food would become more expensive if the UK leaves the EU without an agreement.


EU nationals and their families living in Enfield and across the country face huge instability about their ‘settled status’ and the threatened prospect of the end of freedom of movement on the 31st October 2019.


This council opposes the Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue parliament and believes he should respect the court ruling that his actions are unlawful.”


Following the debate, the motion was put to the vote and agreed with the following result: 


For:  32

Against:  12

Abstentions:  0


The Mayor had agreed to accept the above motion as an urgent motion for the following reason: 


“The reason for submitting this motion as an emergency is because on the 11th September 2019 Scotland's highest civil court ruled that the Prime Minister’s shutdown of parliament was unlawful. The 11th September is after the 12 calendar days required for notice of a motion to Council on 18 September 2019.

Also, the Supreme Court is currently dealing with the case against the Prime Minister. These are unprecedented times and warrant the permitting of the motion.”