Issue - meetings

KD 5071 - Multi-agency hoarding and self-neglect policy

Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Multi-agency hoarding and self-neglect policy pdf icon PDF 117 KB

A report from the Executive Director – People is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5071)

(Report No.210)

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Councillor Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Executive Director – People (No.210) seeking approval of the Multi-Agency Hoarding and Self-Neglect Policy.




1.            That the Hoarding and Self-Neglect Policy had been put together in order to implement a multi-agency, person-centred approach to supporting vulnerable adults who hoard and self-neglect. The Care Act 2014 required local authorities to protect individuals from self-neglect, it also required housing providers to ensure the health and safety of tenants, their neighbours and staff.


2.            The multi-agency approach would lead to more effective working and sharing of information. The Council was working towards appointing a Hoarding Co-ordinator to manage intervention and support for adults who hoard.


3.            The consultation which had taken place as set out in section 4.5 of the report. Positive feedback had been received. Work had been undertaken with a range of service users and providers including external partners as detailed in the report.


4.            The positive impact that the policy would have regarding housing provision and, protecting individuals from potential fire risks and health and safety issues. The Council would continue to engage with registered housing providers in the Borough regarding the private rented sector, seeking to tackle any issues identified at an early stage by providing the necessary support to the individual(s) concerned. The multi-agency approach would seek to resolve any housing issues prior to any potential evictions taking place.


5.            That issues of hoarding and self-neglect could develop over many years. By working together in a co-ordinated way, it was intended to tackle issues as early as possible including concerns relating to fire safety and environmental health. This would be a person-centred approach.


6.            That the Council’s new homelessness model supported close working with landlords to enable tenancies to continue to work and to prevent cases of homelessness.


7.            That Members’ welcomed the Policy. It was noted that a lot of activity to tackle such issues already took place and would continue to do so. The complexity and challenge of some individual cases was recognised. The appointment of a Hoarding Co-ordinator would be beneficial in seeking to co-ordinate the work being carried out by multiple agencies. Funding contributions towards this appointment were being sought from registered social landlords in the Borough for the housing related support that would be provided. The success and outcomes of the Policy would continue to be monitored with clear actions plans.


8.            The co-ordinated and joined-up approach that would be enabled through the Borough’s private sector licensing and selective licensing schemes. The inspection regime would provide opportunities for early identification and intervention of potential hoarding and self-neglect cases.


Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that an alternative to this policy was to continue with the current approach whereby individual services and agencies intervene with hoarding situations as and when they were identified. This policy provided a more effective and consistent approach to supporting adults who hoard or self-neglect with clear guidelines (section 5 of the report referred).


DECISION: The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5