9 Meridian Water Environmental Sustainability Strategy PDF 300 KB
A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5089)
Additional documents:
Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place providing an overview of the Meridian Water Environmental Sustainability Strategy and seeking approval for its adoption and implementation.
1. That the Strategy was a detailed and thorough document which followed on from and supported the Enfield Climate Action Plan and was aligned with both the Council’s and the UK targets. The Strategy would embed environmental sustainability into all stages of the Meridian Water development lifecycle.
2. That the Strategy was founded on three core goals: Carbon positive; environment positive; and, zero waste and circular, as set out in detail in the Strategy.
3. The significance of the Meridian Water development in the Borough and the environmentally sustainable approach that was being taken. This was not a statutory duty for local authorities but met the Council’s clear aspirations and targets for tackling climate change. There would be robust performance monitoring; an annual report to Cabinet; and, regular reports to stakeholders on progress and actions.
4. The range of measures that would be included, as set out in the report, including active travel, low levels of parking provision, electric vehicle charging points and the use of Energetik for the reasons outlined in the report.
5. That the Strategy would be embedded into the tender bids for the Meridian Water project, including Housing Infrastructure works, the supply chains and through the detailed designs and specifications adopted. The Council was in control of the overall Meridian Water project and would ensure that the principles of the Strategy were followed. The Council would be able to adapt its approach as technologies developed and improved. For example, in the use of building materials that were environmentally sustainable. It was noted that Meridian Water was a significant long-term project. The Council would continue to work with suppliers to seek innovative and sustainable methods of construction. Members were advised that the project had been successful in receiving European funding for one year regarding climate action innovation.
Alternative Options Considered: None, the Strategy was required for the reasons outlined in the report.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Adopt the Meridian Water Environmental Sustainability Strategy as set out in the report and its appendices.
2. Delegate responsibility for the implementation of the Meridian Water Environmental Sustainability Strategy to the Meridian Water Programme Director.
Reason: To adopt and implement the Meridian Water Environmental Sustainability Strategy.
(Key decision – reference number 5089)