9 Tendering Extra Care Service PDF 256 KB
A report from the Executive Director People is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5184)
(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).
Additional documents:
Councillor Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Executive Director People seeking approval to the contract award for extra care services at Alcazar Court and Skinners Court following a detailed tendering process.
1. That extra care housing services supported Adult Social Care priorities for Older People in Enfield by reducing the number of people who go into long-term residential and nursing care as well as reducing the number of preventable hospital re-admissions.
2. That service users and their families and carers had been actively involved in the procurement process.
3. The detailed tendering processes and outcomes as set out in the report and the restricted appendix (containing exempt information).
4. That schemes of this nature were in short supply in the Borough. The Council was committed to such service provision in the future with long-term aspirations for the development of a care village. It was essential to provide fit for purpose accommodation for older and vulnerable residents.
5. In response to questions raised, Members were advised on the robustness of the market for adult social care services and, the monitoring measures that would be undertaken on the performance of the service providers. The contract was for a 7 year period with break clauses and agreement to the extension of the contracts after the initial 3-year contract period would be made by the appropriate Cabinet Member, as set out in the decisions below.
6. Members were assured of the comprehensive performance reviews and close quality monitoring that would be undertaken on the service providers. At least monthly meetings would take place with the service providers and, intelligence would be sought from a variety of sources including service users and their families.
7. The current state of the domiciliary care market was outlined to Members. Providers had continued to operate throughout the pandemic with funding support. The potential impact of Brexit on the future workforce was noted. Members received an explanation on the Direct Payments processes in Enfield for home care services with elements of spot purchasing where necessary based on quality and delivery of services. The position of Care Homes in the Borough was more challenging and complex.
8. The Council would continue to ensure that Adult Social Care services in the Borough were of a consistent high standard for the benefit of vulnerable service users and their families whilst recognising the service and financial pressures being faced.
9. That the Council had a Brokerage service to support the Direct Payments function which provided a crucial support role to users and their families. There were a significant number of care providers in the Borough.
10. That an important element of the tendering process had been to address the cultural and religious diversity of service users. The contracts were mindful of the diversity of the residents and that providers were expected to meet basic culturally sensitive services covering a range of care needs. Comprehensive assessments were undertaken for each individual and where additional needs ... view the full minutes text for item 9