Issue - meetings

Enfield Covid Outbreak Control Plan (

Meeting: 01/10/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 9)

9 Enfield Covid-19 Recent UK Gov Announcements pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Doug Wilkinson Director of Environment and Operational Services Place Department, London Borough of Enfield and Stuart Lines – Director of Public Health London Borough of Enfield.


Presentation and review of current situation. Description of new powers and fines. Subsistence funding and enforcement in hospitality sector.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the presentation providing a review of the current situation.




1.    Introduction by Doug Wilkinson, Director of Environment and Operational Services, and Sue McDaid, Head of Regulatory Services, LBE, in respect of the activities around new regulations, and enforcement actions.

2.    Environmental Health were assisting with local contact tracing.

3.    Financial support would be distributed through the local authority.

4.    There was co-ordination across a sub-regional enforcement group.




5.    Members queried the operation of the contact-tracing app, which logged the venue visited, but not the length of time spent there.

6.    The Chair’s view that over coming weeks and potential introduction of further restrictions it was important there was a collective approach across all of London; and that self-isolation financial support was a crucial element in encouraging Covid-19 testing.

Meeting: 16/07/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 Enfield Covid-19 Outbreak Control Plan pdf icon PDF 789 KB

Stuart Lines, Enfield Director of Public Health – to note


Presentation and review of current plan.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Public Health, and a copy of the Enfield Local Outbreak Control Plan (LOCP).




1.    Introduction by Stuart Lines, Director of Public Health, that the plan provided a framework for response to local Covid-19 outbreaks.

2.    High risk areas and premises across the borough were identified, including care homes, schools, workplaces and homes of multiple occupation.

3.    Contacts identified and required to self isolate may need support from the local authority. In more complex outbreaks the Council would work closely with PHE and officers would be involved in contact tracing.

4.    A series of exercises had started, which included schools and other boroughs, and there was peer review of plans to ensure they were robust.




5.    The Chair confirmed that the local authority had committed to keep the supply centre of food running, and other support services. Also, real time individual data and mass testing in risk areas were important.

6.    Communications were being agreed with the Community Resilience Board and would be shared and developed, including targeted messaging to communities. Voluntary sector representatives highlighted that they could help get messages out in their newsletters and forums. The borough-wide leaflet circulated by the resilience board would be sent to all Board members.

ACTION:  Stuart Lines


AGREED that the Health and Wellbeing Board endorsed the Enfield Local Outbreak Control Plan and noted the LBE had already successfully dealt with two potential outbreaks.