Issue - meetings

KD 925 Approval of the Council's Revenue Budget for 2006/07 and Medium Term Financial Plan (Capital & Revenue) - Setting of the Council Tax for 2006/07

Meeting: 22/02/2006 - Council (Item 118)

118 Budget for 2006/07 and Medium Term Financial Plan (General Fund) pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To receive the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources setting out the Council’s Budget for 2006/07 and the Medium Term Financial Plan (General Fund).


The recommendations set out in the report were endorsed at the Cabinet meeting held on 8 February 2006.


Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Lavender seconded the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No. 307) setting out the Council’s Budget for 2006/07 and the Medium Term Financial Plan (General Fund).




1.         that the recommendations set out in the report were endorsed at the Cabinet meeting held on 8 February 2006.


2.         that during the debate Councillor Neville confirmed that in the future special collections of bulky items from peoples homes would be free of charge in an effort to increase recycling levels further.


3.            Councillor Charalambos moved and Councillor Taylor seconded the amendment to the revenue budget for 2006/7 detailed below:


“With regard to the revenue budget for 2006/7

i.          The net budget requirement in Enfield be set at £202.654m in 2006/7
(incorporating the following changes from the Cabinet recommendation –

additional spending
Budget for ward initiatives £0.930m;
Additional voluntary sector grants £0.350m;
Revenue cost of capital funding for new voluntary sector building £0.150m;
Regeneration funding £0.600m.

additional funding
Contribution from reserves £3.6m;
Reduction in earmarked reserves £2.037m)

ii.         As before.

iii.        As before.

iv.        That the Council Tax at Band D for Enfield services be set at £964.76, a reduction of 0.97%.


v.         The statutory calculations and resolutions in Appendix 8 are approved subject to amendment as appropriate by officers.”

The amendment was put to the vote with the following result:


In favour 17 votes:


Anolue, Brett, Buckland, Charalambous, Cole, Constantinides, During, G. Savva, Giliadi, Goddard, Hasan, Oykener, Richards, Rodin, Sandilands, Taylor, Salako


Against 31 votes:


Adams, Andrew, Barker, Boast, Chamberlain, Delman, Dreblow , E.Savva, Egan, Eustance, Fallart, Ford, Hall, Hurer, Jackson, Jukes, Laban, Lavender , McCannah, Neville, Nicholas, Pearce, Rye, Schofield, Steven, E.Smith, T.Smith, Vince, Wyatt, Yates and Zinkin


The amendment was therefore lost.


After a lengthy debate the recommendations detailed in the report and the statutory calculations set out Appendix 8 were put to the vote.




1.         to note the comments in paragraph 7.14 regarding Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


2.         to note that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee asked for a number of proposals in the budget to be reconsidered as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report.


3.         that the net budget requirement for Enfield be set at £206.261m in 2006/07;


4.         that a contribution of £396k be made to the Collection Fund;


5.         that, subject to final pupil count data, approval is given to expenditure of £186.391m on the schools’ budget, funded from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant;


6.         that the Council Tax at Band D for Enfield’s services be set at £998.55

(paragraph 7.9), an increase of 2.49%;


7.         to note the information regarding the requirements of the Prudential Code detailed in Section 9;


8.         to agree the proposals for allocating resources to capital projects as set out in paragraph 9.19;


9.         to agree the recommendations regarding the additions to the capital programme, as set out in Appendix 11;


10.       to approve the Prudential Indicators, the Treasury Management Strategy and the criteria  ...  view the full minutes text for item 118