Issue - meetings

Appendix B - Consultation Matrix & Response

Meeting: 21/03/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Gambling Act 2005 - Control of gambling premises including in Town Centres pdf icon PDF 239 KB

The Committee is asked to receive a briefing report relating to the planning legislation and regime for the control of gambling premises, including in Town Centres.


Sue Mcdaid, introduced the report highlighting concerns about gambling premises in the borough and the effect they have on wellbeing of residents. There is a higher concentration of gambling premises in deprived areas of Enfield. The licensing of gambling premises was transferred to Enfield in 2007, however, by then a large number of facilities were already in the borough. Recently there has been a shift from applications for betting shops to bingo & adult gaming centres. The Gambling Act  requires Councils to permit betting and gambling premises unless they do not meet the codes of practice and licensing objectives of the Act and the Council’s gambling act policy. In 2023, the Council is expecting the results of a recent Government consultation on the Gambling Act which is hoped will work in favour of the Council. The Gambling Commission have listened to concerns and also have a concern around online gambling.


The Committee made the following comments:

·         Officers were thanked for their report, and the work conducted on this.

·         It would be useful to see  the Planning and Gambling Act regimes  better aligned.

·         The requirements of DMD33 should be explained in plain English to residents of the borough.

·         Efforts could be focused on planning permissions to reject gambling premises and seek any good practice from other councils.


Meeting: 21/03/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 2021/22 Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 253 KB

To note the Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme 2021/22.


The concluded work programme was noted.