Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/03/2022 - Finance & Performance Scrutiny Panel (Item 5)


Additional documents:


Sue Nelson, Director of Customer Experience, introduced the item which was to provide the panel with an update on performance of face to face, telephony, webchat and website elements of customer experience.  Background and details were included in the report provided.


Josh Somma, Web Manager, delivered a demonstration of the new council website which would be launching soon.  The following points were highlighted:


1.    It had been designed for use on mobile phones which was how most users currently access it.

2.    Form completion had been reduced to improve the customer experience, for example reporting of fly tipping.

3.    Tools were available to look at analytics, such as pages viewed and the customer journey, which will be used to make improvements.

4.    An application called Hotjar shows where generic users click on the page.  It was noted user privacy was extremely important and users could opt out of cookies if they prefer.

5.    Accessibility for users with disabilities had been independently reviewed and tested.  Issues identified were being rectified.


Members thanked officers and commented as follows:


1.    Cllr Demirel extended thanks to all involved, as well as the work of the libraries and community line during the pandemic.

2.    Cllr Hockney asked about the feedback provided by the Shaw Trust around accessibility.  Josh advised that a variety of disabilities had been considered when developing the website, as well as testing by individuals with disabilities.  A re-test would be taking place in June 2022.

3.    Cllr Guzel asked if face to face support would be available and officers confirmed this would take place in the libraries.  The web chat function was live during office hours.  Lee Shelsher, Head of Customer Solutions, was looking to improve awareness and usage of this tool.

4.    Lee confirmed that the issues around missed telephone calls and logging was being monitored and a call back system was now in place.  New training was being provided for staff.

5.    It was noted that there was no catchment area for the food pantry but was by referral only.  A second pantry would be opening soon in Enfield Town.

6.    Cllr Leaver queried about the logistics of the new website launch.  Officers advised that it would be closely monitored on a daily basis and customer feedback was essential in order to improve.

7.    Cllr Hockney raised concerns about the call centre.  Officers confirmed that telephony functionality improvements were underway with a planned launch in 2023.