Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Register

Meeting: 16/03/2023 - General Purposes Committee (Item 7)

7 Corporate Risk Register Update pdf icon PDF 496 KB

This report presents the latest Corporate Risk Register (CRR); a summary of the risks on the Corporate Risk Register to be found in Appendix A are shown in the heat map contained in the report.



The General Purposes Committee is requested to note and provide comment on the Corporate Risk Register presented at Appendix A.



The Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management introduced the report which informed members that since the Corporate Risk Register (CRR) had been presented to General Purposes Committee on 20 October 2022, reviews have been carried out by all Departments and by the Assurance Board. No risks had been added to the CRR; nor have there been any changes to risk scores.


CR06 Customer Demand - Increasing or decreasing demand changes (e.g., population). The Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management reassured the committee that the risk had not been downgraded.


CR10 Housing - Failure to deliver the housing strategy and respond to the changing regulatory environment around Council housing delivery. Members recognised the current issues with regard to the supply and condition of housing in all the London boroughs and nationally, which did not meet the current standards. The committee requested an update at the next meeting.

ACTION: Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management


AGREED that the latest Corporate Risk Register be noted.