Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Quarterly Revenue Monitoring 2022/23 Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 689 KB

A report from the Executive Director of Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5481)




Councillor Tim Leaver (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director Resources explaining how the Council’s income and expenditure compared to the original budgeted position for 2022/23 based on forecasts as at the end of June 2022. The report also provided the forecasted outturn for the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). Councillor Leaver advised that at the moment, no additional government funding was anticipated. Officers were thanked for the transparent report, and for their work to maintain financial resilience.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to note:


1.  The 2022/23 financial year the General Fund revenue forecast outturn position of £12.6m adverse variance, arising in the main from demographic and cost pressures exceeding the £22m budgeted growth and unanticipated inflationary increases across pay and energy.

2.  Financial resilience remains a key priority for the Council and an in-year budget savings and cost control strategy is needed to protect the Council’s reserve levels.

3.  The potential drawdown on reserves and the impact this has on the forecast level of reserves. The £3m contingency will be required to achieve the General Fund forecast outturn and the planned drawdown from reserves of £1.99m will also be required.

4.  The Covid-19 impact on the General Fund of £8.0m which will be funded from the Council specific Covid-19 earmarked reserve.

5.  The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) revenue overspend of £1.077m, which is reflected in the balance sheet.


Cabinet agreed to:

6.  Require Executive Directors continue to work with Cabinet Members to robustly manage the underlying budget position, implement in year savings and further cost control measures deemed appropriate to the challenge faced, whilst managing, mitigating, and minimising the Covid-19 financial impact.


Cabinet agreed that:

7.  Cabinet Members to note the potential forecast level of reserves and implications for 2022/23 and challenging financial position over the life of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.


(Key decision – reference number 5481)