Issue - meetings

2020/21 and 2021/22 Statement of Accounts

Meeting: 26/07/2022 - General Purposes Committee (Item 6)

6 Update on the Audit of the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Statement of Accounts and Pension Fund and progress on the 2021/22 Council's Accounts pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The report provides an update on the audit of the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Statements of Accounts and Pension Fund and provides an update on the work underway to produce the Council’s Accounts for 2021/22.


The Director of Finance, Corporate provided an update on the audit of the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Statements of Accounts and Pension Fund and provided an update on the work underway to produce the Council’s Accounts for 2021/22.


The Committee noted that the Audit Partner from BDO, David Eagles, had been unable to attend the meeting due to annual leave and expressed deep disappointment that a substitute had not attended, as happened in the past. 


The Committee recognised that the delay to close the 2019/20 accounts had a detrimental impact on the 2020/21 and 2021/22 accounts as well as in the longer-term. 


Members were of the view that, in light of the severity of the situation and the significant delays experienced by the Council, officers should continue to put pressure on the organisations involved wherever possible to mitigate the impact on the Council.  Suggested actions to include, but not be limited to, the publication of the timetable for the closure of the accounts when received from BDO and referral to the relevant MP or minister.


Members noted, as advised by the Executive Director, Resources that interim staff engaged to work on the 2019/20 accounts would be retained for the foreseeable future until the matter was resolved or the situation more certain.  It was very difficult to recruit staff in the current employment climate with this particular skill set.


The Committee asked that, with regards to the significant delays arising from BDO’s decision to redirect staff away from LBE’s 2020/21 accounts to focus upon finalising the 2019/20 accounts and the completion of the NHS audits, a list of costs to date incurred by the Council, together with future costs be provided before the next meeting of the Committee on 20 October 2022. 


AGREED that the update on the audit of the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Statements of Accounts and Pension Fund be noted.