6 Safeguarding Enfield Annual Report 2021/22 PDF 297 KB
Council is asked to note the Annual Safeguarding Report for 2021-22.
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Councillor Abdul Abdullahi moved, and Councillor Gunes Akbulut seconded, the report.
Councillor Abdul Abdullahi introduced the report and asked the Council to note the successes and challenges that have risen from safeguarding activity in the period 2021-22 and highlighted the hard work that had been done over this period to keep our vulnerable residents safe from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
The report outlined the excellent progress that has been made with 455 practitioners being trained and more than 230 calls to the helpline as well as more than 3,600 concerns being addressed by the Adult safeguarding Team. The report reflects the Council’s commitment to safeguarding Adults, children, and young people at risk throughout the organisation.
The Opposition expressed disappointment with regards to their suggestions to clarify data not being taken into consideration, however, it was welcomed that further amendments to the report before publication were still to be made. Also, the way in which cases are currently categorised needed to be reviewed.
Members felt that the Council should support families across the borough who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, specifically with regards to mental wellbeing and young people retuning to education. Members welcomed the creation of a specific task force to deal with certain areas of safeguarding.
Members acknowledged the work of those who work in Safeguarding Adults and Children and suggested that it might be better if in future there could be two separate reports dealing with Adult Safeguarding and Children Safeguarding so that the reports can have a greater focus and information will be more easily accessible.
Following the debate, the recommendations in the report were NOTED.
A report from the Executive Director of People is attached. (Non Key)
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Councillor Abdul Abdullahi (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) introduced the report of the Executive Director People presenting the report of the Safeguarding Partnership’s activity to protect adults and children in 2021-22, and priorities of the partnership for 2022-23. Pressures and challenges were highlighted; but important progress had been made. Thanks were recorded on behalf of the Cabinet to the Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board and Scrutineer of the Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, Geraldine Gavin.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to:
1. Note the key safeguarding risks facing vulnerable residents and the initiatives being carried out to prevent and tackle those issues.
2. Note the successes and challenges that have risen from safeguarding activity in the period 2021-22.
3. Commend the Safeguarding Enfield Annual Report 2021-22 to Council.
(Non Key)