Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/04/2024 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 6)

6 WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To note the current Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.




1.  The completion of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.

2.  The work programme item of an update on Enfield Sexual Health Community Services was deferred into 2024/25 until contract negotiations were completed.

3.  A requested agenda item for consideration for the 2024/25 work programme had been received from a member of Equalities Board that fits better under the Health and Social Care Scrutiny:

·         Reducing HIV transmission rates and ending new transmission by 2030. Local action planning and sexual health service provision.

The Chair was also asked to consider letting Tim Fellows from Enfield LGBT Alliance ask one or two questions if he attends.

Meeting: 28/02/2024 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 6)

6 WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To note the current Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.


NOTED the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for the remainder of 2023/24.

Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 9)

9 WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To note the current Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.


NOTED the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.


The additional meeting for the Panel would be preferred in April 2024.

   ACTION: Governance

Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 7)

7 WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To note the Health and Adult Social Care Work Programme for 2023/24 will be discussed at the first meeting of the new municipal year.


NOTED the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.


The Integrated Care Systems topic would be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and it would come off the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel work programme, in order to avoid duplication.


The topics of CQC Inspections Update and the Borough Partnership Plan for consideration at the 28 November 2023 meeting were separate topics.

   ACTION: Governance

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 7)

7 WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To note the Health and Adult Social Care Work Programme for 2023/24 will be discussed at the first meeting of the new municipal year.


NOTED that the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24 would be discussed at the first meeting of the new Municipal Year.


It was AGREED that the following items be put forward to the Work Planning meeting for consideration to added to the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2023/24.


Primary Care Access to Services Update and Enfield Borough Partnership Update.


Women’s Health in Enfield – Update Report


Independent Living Strategy (2023-2027) update report in one year’s time.


   ACTION: Governance


Meeting: 19/01/2023 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 6)

6 WORK PROGRAMME 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To note the Health and Adult Social Care Work Programme for 2022/23.


NOTED the Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel work programme for the remainder of the municipal year.

Meeting: 06/12/2022 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 7)

7 WORK PROGRAMME 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To note the Health and Adult Social Care Work Programme for 2022/23.


AGREED that the work programme for 2022/23 be NOTED.