Issue - meetings

Primary Care Access

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 4)

4 Primary Care Access to Services Update and Enfield Borough Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The report provides an update on local primary care services and systems in the London Borough of Enfield.  The attached slide pack incorporates content on workforce, primary care investment and activities undertaken to address local Primary Care Survey results (iPSOS Mori survey) together with Enfield Borough Partnership’s update and Community Services review update.


Additional documents:


Deborah McBeal - Director of Integration, Enfield Borough Directorate, NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) introduced the report and accompanying presentation, published with the agenda on the Council’s website, which provided an update on local primary care services and systems in the London Borough of Enfield.


The report provided an update on local primary care services and systems, whilst the slide pack incorporated content on workforce, primary care investment and activities undertaken to address local Primary Care Survey results (iPSOS Mori survey) together with Enfield Borough Partnership’s update and Community Services review update.


The main considerations for the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel were to note the content of the report and support the realisation of borough partnerships.


An invitation was extended to the Councillors to visit White Lodge Medical Practice, which had relocated to 105-109 Chase Side, Enfield, EN2 6NL. This should be a short walk, cycle or drive from Enfield Civic Centre. This would provide an opportunity for Members to see behind the scenes of a general practice and to really understand the workings. It would also provide an opportunity for questions and answers and to address any queries from Members, together with an opportunity to talk about local procedures and patient participation. The practice had indicated that it was happy to host the visit and suggested that Wednesdays may be the best day for them.

ACTION: Laura Andrews, Senior Engagement Manager and Enfield Borough Lead for Communications and Engagement, Corporate Affairs Directorate, NHS North Central London ICB/Governance


During the detailed discussion which ensued, the following points were made and addressed:


Members requested further information regarding investment in the East of the Borough in relation to development funding package, health inequalities, and community experience.

ACTION:Dudu Sher-Arami - Public Health Director


The Director of Integration, responding to a question and request from Members, confirmed that a new GP contract had just been published and would be brought to a future meeting of the Panel.

ACTION: Director of Integration/Governance


The Chair, on behalf of Panel Members thanked the representatives from the NHS for their attendance and input.


AGREED that:


1.    The updates on local primary care services and systems; together with the Enfield Borough Partnership update and Community Services review update be noted; and


2.    A further update be provided at a meeting of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel during the 2023/24 Municipal Year.