Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 9)


A report from the Executive Director of Place is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5602)

Additional documents:


Cllr George Savva (Cabinet Member for Social Housing) introduced the report of the Executive Director Place, setting out the preferred option on the future of Cheshire and Shropshire Houses.


The report detailed how the Council would work to secure moves to suitable accommodation for the residents of both blocks without delay, and also set out longer term options on the blocks. The options appraisal for the site would also be undertaken in consultation with neighbouring residents.


It was confirmed that the residents wanted to move, that value for money was firmly borne in mind, and that giving certainty to residents about rehousing was important.


The Cabinet Member for Social Housing, ward councillors, and the Director of Housing and Regeneration and team of officers were thanked for their hard work at a difficult time and for the intensive engagement and consultation with the residents.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to:


I.  In the light of resident engagement and the options appraisal, agree to the decommissioning of Shropshire and Cheshire Houses, subject to the safe rehousing of all residents.


II.  Agree the expenditure outlined in the report to enable full decant of the Shropshire and Cheshire blocks and recommend to Council approval of the budget for the acquisition of leaseholder interests.


III.  Approve the proposed Residents Offer set out in the report and shown in Appendix A of the report.


IV.  Note the investment required for the safe maintenance and repair of the buildings whilst residents remain in situ which will be funded from the approved capital programme.


V.  Agree to delegate the development options for the future of the blocks and estate and to consult all residents on the estate (inc under S105), to the Director of Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Housing and the Leader.


VI.  Agree to Secure tenants being awarded decant status enabling them to bid for alternative homes through the Choice Based Lettings system.


VII.  Agree to issue an ‘Initial Demolition Notice’ to prevent any future Right to Buy requests dealing with all related steps and documentation including any steps needed to obtain vacant possession.


VIII.  Agree to use CPO powers in principle across the two blocks with CPOs for the blocks to be brought back to Cabinet at a later date with supporting justification.


IX.  Authorise officers to carry out all preparatory work for the proposed CPO and any other powers (such as G10).


X.  Note the results of the resident consultation to understand accommodation needs and lifestyle considerations which will be factored into the re-housing programme and support for residents affected.


The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.


(Key decision – reference number 5602)