Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Item 4)


To receive the report of Tony Theodoulou, Executive Director – People.

Additional documents:


Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, introduced the report of the Executive Director – People, in respect of the draft 5-year Safeguarding Adults Strategy for consultation. The priority areas and key projects were highlighted.


Elspeth Smith, Team Manager – Safeguarding Adults, confirmed that publishing a strategic plan was one of the duties of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB). Learning from previous reviews, and trends in safeguarding data were included.


Questions were invited from Members.


In response to queries around self-neglect, it was advised that this had been counted as a form of adult abuse since 2014, and that awareness had risen during the Covid-19 pandemic. High numbers of over-65 year olds lived alone and self-neglect could reach an advanced stage as no-one was aware and able to intervene. Visits from loved ones had been prevented during lockdown and this had exacerbated the problem. Hospitalisations during the pandemic also provided evidence of people not having contact with professionals, living alone and self-neglecting. The numbers of adult safeguarding concerns raised went up in 2021 and had not gone down subsequently. Hoarding was also advised to be particularly difficult to tackle. The Council had established a hoarding database. They also worked alongside London Fire Brigade. There would be recommendations on voluntary sector contracts to help with response. Trusted people and voluntary and community service (VCS) colleagues were key to better approaches to delivering assistance and communication. Longevity and continuity of the relationship was also important. Officers also commented on solutions when adults rejected intervention in their best interests.


In response to questions about support for older people for whom English was not their first language, it was confirmed that the consultation exercise would be inclusive. There had also been learning from the pandemic that people responded better to trusted voices in their communities, and these should be tapped into during this process to that those who may miss out had the opportunity to have their say. Links had been developed to all ethnic communities and there were plans to reach as many people as possible. Other communication issues in respect of literacy were discussed, and that there was liaison with colleagues in the learning disability service in respect of documentation. ‘Silo’ working was reduced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Partnership working was the way forward. A multi-disciplinary high risk advisory panel was being convened.


The Chair thanked the officers for the report and their attendance at the Panel.


The Panel AGREED:

I.  To note the consultation and promote across the Council.

II.  That updates on progress on the 2023-28 Strategy for the Enfield Safeguarding Adults Board be received by the Panel in due course.