To receive the report of the Director of Adult Social Care, providing an update on the Care Quality Commission inspections of Local Authorities.
Jon Newton, Service Director – Health and Adult Social Care, introduced the report of the Executive Director – People.
The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) new responsibilities under the Health and Care Act 2022 were highlighted, particularly in relation to assessment of how local authorities were meeting their social care duties. Details were provided on Enfield Council’s preparation, learning, and awareness raising in advance of CQC inspection.
Questions were invited from Members.
In response to the Chair’s queries regarding the increase in numbers contacting Adult Social Care since 2020-21, it was advised that a dip in numbers had been linked to the Covid-19 pandemic period, but were now bouncing back up and demand for support and advice continued to increase.
In response to a request for clarification on process and marking, it was confirmed there was current work on areas of improvement such as a consistent approach in managing waiting lists.
In response to queries regarding feedback from staff around the inspection, it was advised that there had been extensive engagement including an ASC seminar in September in preparation. Staff were expected to be honest and to share good practice.
It was not known how often CQC would re-inspect, but they would have powers to return in the new regime. There had been information gained from the five pilot local authority inspections, and it was apparent that the initial focus would be on four key themes and that inspectors would want to speak to service users and agencies. It was noted that rather than big contracts, Enfield worked with 95 care homes and around 25 care providers. It was not known how many inspectors would be involved in an inspection or for how many days, but there would be approximately a week to ten days’ notice of an inspection.
The Panel AGREED to note the progress of the development of the Self-Assessment document and supporting evidence for Adult Social Care. This work was in preparation for the new duty for the Care Quality Commission to assess how local authorities are meeting their Adult Social Care duties.