To receive the report of the Director of Public Health to seek feedback from the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel on the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30.
Additional documents:
Dudu Sher-Arami, Director of Public Health, introduced the draft of Enfield’s Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30.
It was noted that Health and Wellbeing Boards were required to have a health and wellbeing strategy jointly held between local authorities and NHS partners, as a way of identifying key priorities. The previous strategy was agreed in 2019. There had already been extensive engagement on the new strategy and the official 10 week public consultation began on 20 November. An email from Cllr Cazimoglu would be sent to Panel Members, who were asked to please share the link widely with their own networks.
The approach to developing the strategy was described by Victoria Adnan, Policy and Performance Manager, Dr Chad Byworth, Public Health Registrar, and Mark Tickner, Senior Public Health Strategist. The strategy was to be evidence-informed, have a clear and relatable structure, and have two-yearly action plans which could be updated regularly. Enfield Health and Wellbeing Board had endorsed the life course approach of ‘Start Well’, ‘Live Well’ and ‘Age Well’, the priority areas within each life stage, and the five principles to guide the work. The consultation period would end in January, and the strategy would be submitted to Cabinet in April for recommendation onto Council for final agreement.
Questions were invited from Members.
Members had concerns that the strategy did not specify what reductions were hoped to be achieved, or what good results would look like.
It was confirmed that the life course approach was also taken by the North Central London Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy.
In respect of the role of personal responsibility, it was advised that it was aimed to create an environment in Enfield that enabled people to make the healthy choice first. Health literacy was also raised and the need for challenging conversations in respect of individual responsibility. The impacts of wider determinants of health (Pillar 1) were noted as very significant.
Further details were provided regarding funding for provision of family hubs, and the aim to ensure delivery of their work was embedded through the local authority and NHS.
The Panel AGREED the request to seek feedback on the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30.