Issue - meetings

Changes to Committee Meetings

Meeting: 15/05/2024 - Council (Item 12)

12 Changes to the Scrutiny Function, and Other Constitutional Amendments pdf icon PDF 189 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Law and Governance to review the Council’s current committee meetings and propose changes to the constitution.

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Cllr Ozaydin moved, and Cllr Aksanoglu seconded the report of the Director of Law and Governance setting out the proposals for a more streamlined approach to scrutiny that reflects the Council’s priorities and avoids duplication of work. The report also proposed other constitutional changes to aid the smooth operation of the Council’s meetings and decision-making processes.


Cllr Ozaydin introduced the report and noted the proposed structure retains the main overview and scrutiny with the overarching coordination function but reduces the number of scrutiny panels from seven panels to four, covering the key areas; Culture & Environment, Healthy & Safe Communities, Thriving Children & Young People and Housing & Regeneration.


The Opposition were disappointed with the proposals to reduce the number of scrutiny panels stating that in their view, they felt the proposals would dilute the incredibly important function that scrutiny plays within the Council by holding the Executive to account. they felt that the new structure would mean panels would have much larger remits to cover in fewer meetings. Concerns were expressed that the proposed constitutional changes did not go to General Purposes Committee so there had been no cross-party discussions on the proposed changes. The Opposition advised that they were against the proposed changes.


The Administration stated that the reduction in scrutiny panels will allow members to have a more impactful role allowing deeper scrutiny and better decision making along with financial savings to work towards the Council’s priorities of a cleaner, greener, and safer borough for its residents as outlined in the Council Plan.


A procedural motion was moved and seconded under paragraph 13.20 (v) of the Council’s Procedure Rules that the question now be put which was put to the vote and AGREED.




I.             A revised Scrutiny structure as detailed in the report, reducing the standing Panels from seven to four.

II.            The amendments to the constitution for the Scrutiny rules of procedure detailed in appendix A.

III.          The deletion of the Environment Forum.

IV.          The constitutional amendments highlighted in appendix A.

V.           To delegate to the Director of Law and Governance authority to make the approved changes to the constitution.