Issue - meetings

Monitoring Report on the Premises Licences issued under the Licensing Act 2003

Meeting: 16/03/2006 - Licensing Committee (Item 1395)

1395 Monitoring Report on the Premises Licences issued under the Licensing Act 2003 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Environment & Street Scene providing a monitoring update on the number and impact of Premises Licences issued under the Licensing Act 2003.            (Report No.328)


Please note Appendix A of the above report has been provided in colour only for members of the Committee.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 328) and two tabled maps depicting (a) hotspots of all off licence premises in Enfield; and (b) a replacement map of page 18 of the agenda.


NOTED that


1.         There needed to be further investigation and analysis in respect of crime and disorder figures and whether these have been affected by the extension in licensing hours.


2.         The Chairman’s comment that any instances of complaint would not fall within the remit of the Licensing Committee.


3.         Only 28% of premises applied to vary their licence (including new applications for premises).


4.         The statistics in Figure 6, Appendix A whereby 31% of licensed premises were closed by 2300 hours, 57% by 0000 hours and the vast majority of premises (91%) were closed by 0100 hours.  Just 2% of premises were licensed to open 24 hours.


5.         The Licensed Premises Comparisons 2004/2005 (page 30) would need further analysis once the data had been completed.  Again, the Chairman commented that the information would be of interest but that any decision as an outcome would not fall within the remit of the Licensing Committee.


6.         In respect of Appendix B, information on the appeals lodged against the Licensing Committee’s decisions, there were a number of appeal withdrawals.  Sue McDaid reported on the meetings that were taking place with residents regarding appeals and processes in respect of those cases that were going ahead.  Five appeals had already been heard, with six outstanding.




(1)       The contents of the report be noted; and

(2)       The report would be submitted to the Planning Committee to provide information regarding licensed premises as required by the guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.