Issue - meetings

* KD 2074 Agreement of the future management arrangements for Enfield Leisure Centres.

Meeting: 13/12/2006 - Cabinet (Item 148)


A joint report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure is attached.  Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd (ELCL) is currently in Creditors Voluntary Liquidation. The Council is working with the Liquidators of the company to improve the service at the leisure centres and stem the financial losses, which flow from the operation by ELCL. It is proposed that the future management arrangements for the leisure centres are based on a detailed specification that is itself based on a detailed community consultation carried out in the New Year.

(Key decision – reference number 2074)


Councillor McCannah introduced the joint report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure (No.181). 



1.         That Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd (ELCL) was currently in Creditors Voluntary Liquidation. The Council is working with the Liquidators of the company to improve the service at the leisure centres and stem the financial losses, which flow from the operation by ELCL. It is proposed that the future management arrangements for the leisure centres are based on a detailed specification that is itself based on a detailed community consultation carried out in the New Year.


2.         That the Enfield Older People’s Forum had submitted their views on this service and these would be included in the consultation exercise.


Alternative options considered: To be considered as part of the proposed comprehensive consultation to be conducted.




That, the future management of the centres, in terms of what is provided, when and where (the specification) is subject to future decisions of the Council which will be fully informed by a comprehensive consultation conducted as widely across the Community as possible. The target date for completion is 23rd February 2007.


Reasons: To determine the future management arrangements for the leisure centres.

(Key decision – reference number 2074)