Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 3rd November, 2020 7.30 pm

Contact: Jane Creer Email: ( 020 8132 1211) / Metin Halil Email: ( 020 8132 1296) 

No. Item






1.    Councillor Boztas (Chair) welcomed all attendees to the meeting, which was being broadcast live online. Committee members confirmed their presence and that they were able to hear and see the proceedings.

2.    There were no apologies for absence.




NOTED there were no declarations of interest in respect of any of the agenda items.



To receive the covering report of the Head of Planning.



RECEIVED the report of the Head of Planning.


19/01988/FUL - St Monicas Hall, 521 Green Lanes, London, N13 4DH pdf icon PDF 12 MB

RECOMMENDATION:  That subject to the recommendations as set out in the report, the Head of Development Management / the Planning Decisions Manager subject to the completion of a section 106 legal agreement be authorised to Grantplanning permission subject to conditions.

WARD:  Winchmore Hill




1.    The introduction by Claire Williams, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals.

2.    Comments received today from the Greater London Authority’s Culture at Risk Office. The comments were advice only and no objection was raised to the scheme. The comments confirmed that the building had been added to the Culture at Risk register. In summary, it was the view of the Culture at Risk Office that the retention of the historic Intimate Theatre presented an opportunity to safeguard a valuable and historic cultural asset, for the benefit of the local community. The proposals for a mixed-use flexible community space as a reprovision of this asset limited the potential for theatre production and did not match the same quality of dedicated theatre space that currently existed.

3.    Additional conditions were suggested to ensure there were no significant impacts on existing and future residents during and after construction including: a scheme to deal with any contamination on the site, requiring certain non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) to comply with a certain level of emission standards, air quality assessment, sound insulation details, specific hours for the delivery of construction and demolition materials, obscure glazing the side kitchen windows at first and second floor level, the flat roof to be used for maintenance purposes only and details of communal amenity space to be provided including the management of the communal amenity spaces.

4.    The deputation of Tom Clarke on behalf of Theatres Trust.

5.    The deputation of Warren McWilliams and Rebecca Gediking on behalf of Save The Intimate Theatre Group.

6.    The response of Colin Smart (Agent) and Father Mehall Lowry (Applicant).

7.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers. Confirmation was provided that there would be no permanent stage in the new facility. Father Mehall Lowry confirmed recent usage for theatre shows as a maximum of three per year for one week each. It was advised that the condition in respect of heritage and original building features could be strengthened, and a condition could be added to require details of availability of the hall to the wider community.

8.  The support of a majority of the Committee for the officers’ recommendation with additional conditions as discussed: 7 votes for, 1 vote against, and 4 abstentions.


AGREED that subject to the recommendations set out in the report, the Head of Development Management / the Planning Decisions Manager subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report and amended and additional conditions.


20/01526/FUL - 241 Green Street, Enfield, EN3 7SJ pdf icon PDF 22 MB

RECOMMENDATION: Notwithstanding any direction from the Mayor of London to the contrary, that planning permission be Granted, subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement.

WARD: Enfield Highway




1.    The introduction by David Gittens, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals.

2.    Receipt of additional letters of objection including email from Councillor Christine Hamilton (Enfield Highway Ward Councillor).

3.    The deputee raised a request, also emailed to the Chair from Councillor Hamilton to defer a decision due to inadequate public consultation. Officers confirmed that correct processes had been followed and the Chair confirmed that consideration of the application at this meeting would continue.

4.    The deputation of Sam Nanji on behalf of Green Street residents.

5.    The response of Gill Eaton (Agent) and Jamie Narborough (Transport Consultant) on behalf of the applicant.

6.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers.

7.    Officers noted the committee’s concerns and comments including request for more details on the mix of units, the proposed car parking arrangements in the area, industrial land management, and particular concerns regarding the adequacy of consultation given the low response from the local community in light of Councillor Hamilton’s concerns.

8.  Councillor Rye’s proposal that a decision be deferred for further consultation was seconded by Councillor Anolue and supported unanimously by the committee.


AGREED that a decision on the application be deferred to undertake further consultation with local community on the proposed scheme.






1.    The committee would not reasonably be able to consider the remaining two applications on the agenda this evening due to the late hour, but was recommended to progress Agenda Item 7 (20/1997/FUL – former Chase Farm Hospital, The Ridgeway, Enfield EN2 8JL).

2.    The recommendation to extend the meeting and consider Item 7 was supported by a majority of the committee: 9 votes for and 3 votes against.


AGREED that the rules of procedure within the Council’s Constitution relating to the time meetings should end (10pm) be suspended for a period of 45 minutes to enable Item 7 to be considered.


20/01997/FUL - Former Chase Farm Hospital, The Ridgeway, Enfield, EN2 8JL pdf icon PDF 18 MB

RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission be Granted subject to S106 and conditions

WARD: Highlands




1.    The meeting resumed after a four minute adjournment, and re-confirmation that all Members were present.

2.    The introduction by David Gittens, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals.

3.    The deputation of MrsBusola Akanji (local resident in Parcel A/Linden Homes Development).

4.    The response of Gavin Smith (Principal, Wren Academy Enfield) and Aidan Sadgrove (Principal, One Degree Academy).

5.    Members’ debate and questions responded to by officers. An additional condition was requested by Members in respect of school start and finish times to be submitted for officers’ agreement to ensure they were staggered.

6.  The unanimous support of the committee for the officers’ recommendation with additional condition as discussed.


AGREED that subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report and additional condition.


20/01923/OUT - Former Chase Farm Hospital, The Ridgeway, Enfield, EN2 8JL pdf icon PDF 14 MB

RECOMMENDATION: That, subject to referral to the Great London Authority, and the completion of a S106 Agreement, the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grantplanning permission subject to conditions.

WARD: Highlands


NOTED as agreed above, this application was not considered during the meeting but would be determined at a future meeting of the committee.



The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be 24 November 2020.



NOTED that the next scheduled meeting date of the planning committee was 24 November 2020, but having not completed this evening’s agenda another additional meeting would be required during November on a date to be arranged.

Post Meeting Note: Additional meeting date scheduled on 17 November 2020.