Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA
Contact: Governance, 020 8132 1558 Email: @ Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Kate Anolue, Ahmet Hasan and Lee Chamberlain. Cllr Chamberlain was substituted by Cllr Alessandro Georgiou. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received regarding any item on the agenda. |
REPORT OF THE HEAD OF Planning and Building Control To receive and note the covering report of the Head of Planning and Building Control. Additional documents: Minutes: Received the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, which was NOTED.
Cllr Rye highlighted that point 8 of the report was incorrect, as there had not been a Members’ Library for several years, and queried where the Schedule of Decisions were circulated. |
24/01102/RE4 - John Wilkes House, 79 High Street, Enfield, EN3 4EN RECOMMENDATION: 1) That in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning GeneralRegulations 1992 the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to GRANT consent subject to conditions. 2) That the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to make any alterations, additions or deletions to the recommended conditions as set out in this report.
Ward: Ponders End Additional documents:
Minutes: David Maguire, Senior Planning Officer, introduced the report and highlighted the key aspects of the application. An update report had been issued prior to the meeting which included additional information. A further condition had been requested, to ensure that an independent fire strategy, produced by a third party was submitted for approval by the local planning authority.
A deputation was received from Cllr Nicki Adeleke, Ponders End Ward Councillor, who spoke against officers’ recommendations.
A deputation was received from Rob Brassett, Chairman of the Friends of Durants and Ponders End Parks, who spoke against officers’ recommendations.
Jodie Rudgley (Rapid Assessment & Resettlement Team Manager), Richard Sorensen (Head of The Housing Advisory Service) and Jonathon Toy (Community Safety Strategic Lead), officers representing the applicant, spoke in response.
Officers responded to comments in respect of consultation, advising that the application was advertised through a press notice published on 24 April in the Enfield Independent. In addition, 210 neighbouring premises were notified by letter and the usual consultation reach was extended/widened. A site notice was also placed at the entrance of the building. Residents were aware of the proposals given around 30 objections had been received.
In response to Members’ queries relating to safety and security, officers responded that a condition had been recommended that the facility obtain a secure by design accreditation prior to occupation. The applicant would be required to submit details and deliver the measures asked for, which the Police would need to approve before operation. With regards to fire safety there were three exits on the ground floor, an external and a protected internal stairway, and an independent fire assessment had been sought by condition. The doors would be designed in accordance with the Police’s security standards and building fire regulations, with a mechanism to evacuate.
In response to Members’ questions and comments regarding impact on the surrounding area, officers replied that people became homeless for a variety of reasons, and it was important not to make pre-conceptions that potential occupants would pose a risk to the community. Around 550 people were approaching the council each month for help with housing, the council had 434 single people in temporary accommodation, and had a legal responsibility to help homeless people. Staff working at the site would be well trained and there was a management plan and operating model in place. There would be a rigorous risk assessment process before somebody would be placed at the premises, which was not designed for, and would not house anyone with medium or high-risk needs. Concerns relating to anti-social behaviour were an operational matter and went beyond the planning process remit. If there were issues of anti-social behaviour, this would be a matter for the ASB team or the Police, if they could not be resolved by the management company. The premises was located in an urban high street; there would be a maximum of 36 residents who would utilise public facilities in addition to some staff, but the premises was not expected to have ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
RECOMMENDATION: 1. That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions. 2. That the Planning Decisions Manager be granted delegated authority to finalise the wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the Recommendation section of this report.
Ward: Southbury Minutes: Samuel Wong, Senior Planning Officer, introduced the report and highlighted the key aspects of the application. In response to a Member’s enquiry, the officer responded that BNG stood for biodiversity net gain. Cllr Georgiou pointed out that Members had queried at the time why officers had proposed the original approved route.
The proposal having been put to the vote; Members AGREED:
1. That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions. 2. That the Planning Decisions Manager be granted delegated authority to finalise the wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the Recommendation section of this report. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note that the dates of future meetings are as follows:
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Tuesday 6 August 2024 (provisional) Tuesday 17 September 2024 Tuesday 15 October 2024 Tuesday 5 November 2024 (provisional) Tuesday 19 November 2024 Tuesday 17 December 2024 Tuesday 21 January 2025 Tuesday 11 February 2025 (provisional) Tuesday 25 February 2025 Tuesday 4 March 2025 (provisional) Tuesday 18 March 2025 Tuesday 1 April 2025 (provisional) Tuesday 22 April 2025
These meetings will commence at 7:00pm and will be held in the Conference Room at the Civic Centre. Minutes: Members NOTED the dates of future meetings as set out in the agenda.
The Chair thanked Members and officers for their time and contributions, and the meeting ended at 20:49. |