Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 4th February, 2015 7.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions

Contact: Jane Creer Email: ( 020 8379 4093) / Metin Halil Email: ( 020 8379 4091) 

No. Item




Councillor Simon, Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting, explained the order of the meeting and the deputation and deputee process.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hurman.




Members of the Planning Committee are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relevant to items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive the minutes of the Planning Panel meeting held on Wednesday 7 January 2015, for information only.


The minutes of the Chase Farm planning panel held on 7 January 2015 were noted and the amended minutes would be appended to the agenda for the Planning Committee meeting to be held on 12 March 2015.








To receive the covering report of the Assistant Director, Planning, Highways & Transportation



RECEIVED the report of the Assistant Director, Planning, Highways and Transportation (Report No.165).





AGREED that the order of the agenda be varied to accommodate members of the public in attendance at the meeting and councillors’ presence. The minutes follow the order of the meeting.



P14-01733/PLA & P14-01735/ADV - 41 PICKETTS LOCK LANE, LONDON, N9 0AS. pdf icon PDF 9 MB

RECOMMENDATION: Subject to the referral of the application to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and no objections being raised together with the completion of the section 106 agreement regarding the issues set out above, the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.

WARD: Jubilee






1.    Introduction by the Head of Development Management.

2.    This report covered two applications: one for the change of use and one for associated signage.

3.    The change of use (open storage purposes) involves establishing a bus depot capable of accommodating 107 buses including refurbishment of ancillary offices, a new single storey staff building, a bus wash and refuelling point and a 2 metre high acoustic fence along the eastern boundary to address noise.

4.    The site is identified as an undesignated employment land presently. It is proposed to designate this site as well as that to the south as Strategic Industrial Land.

5.    Concern by neighbouring properties regarding the level of vehicle movement and the effects of noise. As a result of the noise issue, a condition would be imposed limiting the number of vehicle movements to 24 between midnight and 07:00 with no more than 7 in any hour.

6.    Potential for Lee Park Way to serve as an access way, which is being explored, but was not part of this application.

7.    An additional letter from TfL who are in support of the proposal but question the limitations that have been imposed by condition on the movement of buses. The condition could be varied as and when more information was received or if an alternative access route is agreed.

8.    An additional condition was reported, which confirmed the development would meet BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology) “Good” rating with the condition to be framed to cover energy statement, carbon reduction, water efficiency, performance certification, Green procurement, landscaping/biodiversity in discussion with the Applicant.

9.    The Section 106 would be seeking highway mitigation measures not limited to junction markings as set out in the report, Para 6.7.2 (page 87).

10. The deputation of Miss Rose on behalf of local residents.

11. The statements of Ward Councillors Bernie Lappage and Guney Dogan.

12. The response of Mr Ken Fennel the agent.

13. Members’ discussion and questions responded to by officers, including noise issues, bus movements, access & parking and local employment.

14. Following a debate, the officers’ recommendation was supported by a majority of the Committee: 8 votes for, 2 votes against and 1 abstention.


AGREED that subject to an additional requirement within the Section 106 Agreement to require a local training and employment obligation, the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the additional condition below and subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Reported – Additional Condition


Condition covering attainment of BREEAM “Very Good” – content/targets to be agreed with applicant on basis of Robert Singleton’s e-mail of 04.02.2015 with the exception of sustainable drainage.


14/03614/FUL - LAND ADJACENT TO 2 THE MALL, LONDON, N13 4AU. pdf icon PDF 401 KB

RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to conditions

WARD: Southgate Green





1.    Introduction by the Head of Development Management.

2.    This is an application proposing the subdivisions of the existing residential curtilage and the erection of a detached two storey 3 bedroom dwelling. Access would be from the Mall and the property has been designed externally to match the vernacular and appearance of existing properties within the street scene.

3.    Two additional objections had been received, including one from the Fox Lane & District Residents Association, which was read out by the officer.

4.    The development had met the criteria: relating to impact on local character, appropriate density, relationship to neighbouring properties & compliance with other DMD standards including amenity space and appropriate access to the highway. Therefore, the proposal was considered acceptable and officers were recommending approval subject to additional conditions.

5.    Members’ discussion and questions responded to by officers including backyard development, London Plan guidelines, DMD provisions on amenity space and details of materials to be used.

6.    Following a debate, the officers’ recommendation was supported by a majority of the Committee: 10 votes for and 1 abstention.


AGREED that planning permission be granted subject to the additional conditions below and subject to the conditions set out in the report.


Reported – Additional Conditions


C10 Details of Levels

C028 Restriction of Permitted Development


Notwithstanding the provisions of Classes A, B & E of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 or any amending Order, no buildings or extensions to buildings shall be erected without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: in order to safeguard the amenities of neighbouring properties and the availability of adequate amenity space commensurate with its occupation as a single family dwelling house.




14/04795/FUL - 1246 MOLLISON AVENUE, ENFIELD, EN3 7NJ pdf icon PDF 2 MB

RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to conditions

WARD: Enfield Highway





1.    Introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager clarifying the site.

2.    The site is used for purposes appropriate to this industrial location. The key issues for consideration therefore relate to the design and appearance of the building and its impact on neighbouring occupiers.

3.    The building is of typical industrial design and metal clad. Whilst a large structure, the nearest residential properties are sited on the other side of the railway line and therefore it is considered there would be no adverse impact.

4.    The officers’ recommendation was unanimously approved.


AGREED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.





RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to accordance with Regulation 3 of the Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992 and Subject to Conditions.

WARD: Edmonton Green





1.    Introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager.

2.    The site is located off Derby Road, south of Conduit Lane. It falls within the boundary of the Central Leeside AAP and Meridian Water Master Plan. The site is designated as locally significant Industrial land.

3.    A number of conditions attached to the original planning permission requiring the submission of details prior to the commencement of the use have not been addressed by the occupier. These conditions are to be amended to require submission within 3 months of the date of the decision, but continue to be required.

Additional condition is required relating to details of cycle parking.

4.    The officers’ recommendation was unanimously approved.


AGREED that planning permission be granted in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992, subject to an additional condition and the conditions set out in the report.


Additional condition – Details of cycle parking (within 3 months of the date of decision).




14/04449/FUL - 20-22 GREEN LANES, LONDON, N13 6HT pdf icon PDF 907 KB

RECOMMENDATION: Planning Permission be Refused

WARD: Bowes





1.    Introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager.

2.    The site is on the junction of Green Lanes and Grenoble Gardens and comprises a retail shop at ground floor with residential over.

3.    There had been three previous refusals of planning permission for development on the site involving a first floor rear extension and the conversion of the upper floor to three flats. The most recent application, refused in July 2014, was refused essentially  on three grounds:

a.    The proposed flats would have substandard floor areas and a poor quality of accommodation.

b.    The design of the rear extension – size, design, flat roof and awkward stepped rear building line and prominence from Grenoble Gardens.

c.    Impact on the street tree – would result in unnecessary pruning to the detriment of the amenity value of the tree.

d.    Absence of affordable housing

4.    The applicant had approached Councillor Savva after previous refusals of the applications and said he had amended issues in previous applications. The applicant had not approached officers to discuss the applications, nor requested a deputation.

5.    Members felt that the applicant should be encouraged to contact planning officers for advice.

6.    The officers’ recommendation was unanimously refused.

AGREED that planning permission be refused.





14/04222/HOU - 46 OLD PARK VIEW, ENFIELD, EN2 7EJ pdf icon PDF 2 MB

RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to conditions

WARD: Highlands





1.    Introduction by the Planning Decisions Manager.

2.    The plans contained within the Committee report have been superseded and the drawings under consideration were those displayed. The differences relate to the external finish of the extension and the provision of a greater step back of the side element nearest to No.44.

3.    The application property presently comprises a detached bungalow. The proposal involves extending the property to create a two storey house. There has been a previous refusal of planning permission on grounds of;

·         The height of the extended property.

·         The overall design.

·         The impact on No.44 Old Park View through loss of light and outlook.

·         The extent of hard surfacing to the site frontage.

This was therefore a revised application seeking to address these previous objections.

4.    The offices’ recommendation was unanimously approved.


AGREED that planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report.








1.    The recent death of Mr David Cooper, who had been Head of Development Control at the Council and later a planning consultant who had spoken at this Committee. The Committee were saddened by this news and send their condolences to his family.

2.    The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 24 February 2015.

3.    The Chase Farm application would be coming to Committee on 12 March 2015.

4.    The meeting for 28 April 2015 will be held at the Dugdale Centre.

5.    Members agreed a planning panel to consider the planning application at Edmonton County Upper School. The applicant is Powerleagues. It was suggested that the school itself be used to hold the meeting. Officers are currently in contact with the school to hold the meeting at the end of February/beginning of March 2015.