Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions
Contact: Jane Creer Email: ( 020 8132 1211) / Metin Halil Email: ( 020 8132 1296
No. | Item |
1. Councillor Boztas (Chair) welcomed all attendees to the meeting. 2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mahym Bedekova 3. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kate Anolue. 4. Councillor Derek Levy substituted for Councillor Daniel Anderson.
1. There were no declarations of interest. |
REPORT OF THE HEAD OF PLANNING PDF 68 KB To receive the covering report of the Head of Planning.
Minutes: RECEIVED the report of the Head of Planning. |
21/02076/OUT - Exeter Road Estate, Exeter Road, Enfield, EN3 7TW PDF 18 MB RECOMMENDATION: 1. That subject to the finalisation of a shadow S106 to secure the matters covered in this report and to be appended to the decision notice, the Head of Development Management/ the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions. 2. That the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be granted delegated authority to agree the final wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the Recommendation section of this report. WARD: Ponders End/Enfield Highway Minutes: NOTED
1. The introduction by Joseph McKee, Senior Planning Officer, clarifying the proposals. 2. The deputation of Councillor Ayfer Orhan speaking as Ponders End Ward Councillor. 3. The response of Ben Pierson (Agent) and Simon Lea (Architect). 4. Members debate and questions responded to by officers. 5. Members concern in relation to the remaining level of green space, loss of open space, overlooking, increase in local population and children due to the high percentage of family homes, what play space facilities there would be on site, the health and wellbeing of residents due to impact on amenities, loss of trees and more details of type/height of trees lost, increased vehicle movements, daylight/sunlight issues, impact of traffic in the vicinity, car parking spaces and if they are sufficient, resident consultation and the distance from the new building to rear boundaries of nearby properties. 6. Councillor Taylor’s suggestion of a new access road to alleviate traffic access into and out of the development and Nags Head Road. Metropolitan Open Land could be built upon if it enhances an area. The Head of Development Control would look at options to see if the suggestion is viable and would report back to the Committee. 7. The unanimous support of the Committee for the Officers recommendation.
AGREED that: · subject to the finalisation of a shadow Section 106 agreement to secure the matters covered in the report and to be appended to the decision notice, the Head of Development Management/the Planning Decisions Manager be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to conditions. · the Head of Development Management/Planning Decisions Manager be granted delegated authority to agree the final wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the Recommendation section of the report.
RECOMMENDATION: In respect of the appeal by Connected Living London (Arnos Grove) Ltd in relation to land at car park adjacent to Arnos Grove Station, Bowes Road, London. N11 1AN (PINS Ref: APP/Q5300/W/21/3276466) that the Planning Committee resolve to:
1. Consider the report of the Head of Planning/Head of Development Management pertaining to this planning appeal as a confidential item under Part 2. WARD: Southgate Green
Report of the Head of Development Management (Part 2).
(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).
The Chair made the following Statement:
“The next item on the agenda concerns Car Park Adjacent to Arnos Grove Station and more particularly the appeal brought by the applicant which is to be heard at a Public Inquiry taking in place in November 2021. You will recall the item was determined at Planning Committee in January 2021. The Council has placed as much information as it is able to disclose in a public report but it is considered tonight’s discussion around the Council’s defence of Committee’s decision to refuse planning permission is confidential and, subject to Members a resolution, should be held in private.”
Resolution: “It is therefore proposed that due to the confidential nature of the discussions which are pertinent to the Council’s case in the appeal lodge by the applicant, pursuant to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting”
AGREED in respect of the appeal Connected Living London (Arnos Grove) Ltd in relation to land at car park adjacent to Arnos Grove Station, Bowes Road, London, N11 1AN (PINS Ref: App/Q5300/W/21/3276466) that the Planning Committee resolve to:
1. Consider the report of the Head of Planning/Head of Development Management pertaining to this planning appeal as a confidential item under Part 2.
FUTURE MEETING DATES Next Planning Committee meeting date will Tuesday 21 September 2021. Minutes: NOTED
1. The next meeting of the Planning Committee would be Tuesday 21 September 2021.
1. The committee would not reasonably be able to consider the remaining application on the agenda this evening due to the late hour, but was recommended to progress Agenda Item 5 (21/00084/REFUSE – Car Park Adjacent to Arnos Grove Station, Bowes Road, London N11 1AN and the Part 2 of the meeting. 2. The recommendation to extend the meeting and consider Items was supported unanimously by the committee.
AGREED that the rules of procedure within the Council’s Constitution relating to the time meetings should end (10:55pm) be suspended for a period of 55 minutes to enable Item 5 to be considered.