Contact: Sangeeta Brown
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE PDF 290 KB (a) Apologies for absence (b) Membership A nomination is being sought from an academy trust for the academy representative vacancy.
DECLARATION OF INTEREST Members are invited to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on the agenda. A definition of personal and prejudicial interests has been attached for members’ information. |
MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES PDF 256 KB (a) School Forum meetings held on 18 January 2023 (attached) (b) Matters arising from these minutes.
ITEMS FOR PRESENTATION (a) Delivering Better Value - Mandeep Mohan to present (b) Attendance Support Unit, Home and Hospital Tuition - Catherine Goodwin to present (c) Orchardside Pupil Referral Unit - Celeste Fay to present
ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR DECISION (a) High Needs Places and Provision (2023/24) – Update (b) Early Years Funding Consultation (c) Schools Budget 2023 – 24: Update
FUTURE MEETINGS (a) Date of next meeting is Wednesday 5 July 2023 at 5.30pm. The Forum agreed at the previous meeting that this meeting would be held in person.
(b) Dates of future meetings are detailed below.
CONFIDENTIALITY To consider which items should be treated as confidential. |