Venue: Remote Meeting
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Note: To view the Hearing please copy & paste link to your browser:
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: 1. Councillor Taylor as Chair welcomed all attendees to the online meeting and explained the order of the meeting. Apologies were extended to all for the delayed start time which was due to technical issues regarding TEAMS.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Michael Rye declared a non-pecuniary interest as he is a Trustee of the Old Prochiral Charity which owns the Kings Head Public House. Councillor Rye had taken legal advice and believes he can take part in proceedings today. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To receive and agree the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 3 August 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 3 August 2022 will now be considered at the meeting to be held on Wednesday 4 January 2023.
MAXI FOOD & WINE, 38 CHASE SIDE, SOUTHGATE, N14 5PA Review Application Additional documents:
Minutes: Due to technical difficulties for external parties with the MS Teams live event preventing them from being able to fully participate, it was not possible to consider this review application remotely. Members and officers apologised for the technical problems, and the Chair thanked all parties for giving up their time this morning.
The Licensing Sub Committee agreed that consideration of the application should take place at a new hearing on the later date of Wednesday 4 January 2023 at an in-person meeting at Enfield Civic Centre.
A new MS Teams link and invitation would be issued for the supplementary agenda item next on this meeting agenda, to commence at 1:30pm this afternoon. |
TEMPORARY EVENT NOTICES (TENs) - OBJECTIONS - THE KINGS HEAD, 9 MARKET PLACE, ENFIELD, EN2 6LL And BAR TAPS, 29 SILVER STREET, ENFIELD, EN1 3EF Minutes: RECEIVED the Temporary Event Notices (TENs) – Objections for the premises known as The Kings Head, 9 Market Place, Enfield EN2 6LL and Bar Taps, 29 Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3EF.
1. The introduction by Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer, including:
a. The premises both hold premises licenses in the name of Alpine Cross Limited for the Kings Head and Michael Fallon for Bar Taps who is also the Director of Alpine Cross Limited. Chelsie Dakin is the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) at the Kings Head and is the applicant of the recent TENs to be considered today. Lorna Coulston is the DPS at Bar Taps and is the applicant of the recent TENs also to be considered today. b. The dates and times for the TENs are set out in the report but we have received a slight amendment today to reduce the number of dates being sought, that has been circulated previously. Originally the dates were set out in Annex 2 and Annex 10 on pages 4, 7 & 8, that summarize. The TENs seek one additional hour of licensing activity after the permitted hours of the existing premises license. The TENs are for each day of the week, midweek seeking up to 01:00am and up to 03:00am on Fridays and Saturdays. c. The Police have responded to these TENs with an objection notice in support of the prevention of Crime and Disorder objective. The Police have concerns of increased crime and disorder if the later hour be extended based on the statistics of current levels of crime and disorder which are more prevalent at the current closing times. The Police objection notices are set out in Annex 3, page 3 of the Supplementary Agenda and again in Annex 11 page 119 of the supplementary agenda. d. More TENs were submitted by both applicants, and they were deemed to be late TENs as they were less than 10 working days before the event, which the Police also objected to in the most part. Examples of those County notices have been provided in the bundle. If any relevant objections are made in late TENs, a counter notice is given by the Licensing Team and there is no opportunity for a hearing. A late TEN should be an exception. The intention of a late TEN is to assist premises users who are required for reasons outside of their control i.e. change of venue at short notice. The Licensing Cub-Committee do not need to consider these late TENs and is for background information to this hearing. e. The applicants have amended the TENs dates sought to ensure there is a 24 gap between the separate TENs notices. For the Kings Head, the TENs notice called TEN 3 is only seeking the Sunday 18 December 2022. TEN 4 remains as is and TEN 5 for the 31 December 2022 is not required. The same applies to Bar Taps; TEN 3 it is only 18 December 2022 that is being sought, TEN 4 ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |