Venue: Virtual
Contact: Jane Creer 020 8132 1211 Email:
Note: Please see Agenda Frontsheet for Link
No. | Item |
Councillor Aksanoglu as Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting, which was being broadcast live online. Sub-committee members confirmed their presence and that they were able to hear and see the proceedings. Officers, applicants and representative, and IP 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 14 and 17 and SUP02 confirmed their presence. The Chair explained the order of the meeting. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda.
Minutes: NOTED there were no declarations of interest in respect of the item on the agenda. |
THE WINCHMORE PUBLIC HOUSE, 235 WINCHMORE HILL ROAD, LONDON N21 1QA Application for Variation of a Premises Licence. Additional documents:
Minutes: RECEIVED the application made by Celtic Cross Limited for the premises situated at The Winchmore, Public House, 235 Winchmore Hill Road, London, N21 1QA for a Variation of Premises Licence LN/201500123.
1. The introduction by Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer, including:
a. The application was for a variation of premises licence LN/201500123, made by Celtic Cross Limited for the premises The Winchmore, 235 Winchmore Hill Road, London N21 1QA. b. This premises had been operated as a bar / pub / restaurant / function room for a number of years. It had a significant licensing history, but under former licence holders. There had not been licensing issues under the current licence holder, who had been in place since June 2015. The Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) remained the same: Mark Walsh. The Company Directors were Mark Walsh and his sister Eimear Walsh. c. The original application in Annex 2 of the report had recently been amended as the applicants had tried to address the representations. The first supplementary report set out the hours applied for in Table 2. These times and activities were to be referred to in this hearing. The application sought a one hour extension for live and recorded music on Friday and Saturday, and an extension of hours on Sundays that preceded all Bank Holiday Mondays. d. The original application had initially been subject to representations from the Metropolitan Police and from the Licensing Authority, both seeking modification of licence conditions. Those conditions had been agreed by the applicant and the representations were consequently withdrawn. The agreed proposed conditions were set out in Annex 5 of the report. e. The application attracted 19 representations in objection from local residents (set out in Annex 3 of the report), and 2 representations in support from a ward councillor and a local resident (set out in Annex 4). f. Since IP13 had withdrawn their representation following the amendments to the application this objection should no longer be considered. The other 18 representations in objection remained. These residents lived on Winchmore Hill Road, Houndsden Road, and Church Hill. g. It was for the Licensing Sub Committee (LSC) to consider whether the application supported the four licensing objectives. h. The applicant was represented by Flint Bishop Solicitors and both company directors. i. Apologies had been received from IP4. Notification had been received from most of the IPs that their representations remained to the amended application, but even without such notification the LSC must consider those original representations. j. Councillor Derek Levy (ward councillor) was in attendance as SUP02 in support of the application. k. It was confirmed that not living locally did not prevent submission of a representation of support.
2. The statement of George Domleo, Solicitor, on behalf of the applicant, including:
a. It was acknowledged this premises had a background history, but his client had been the premises licence holder and DPS since 03/06/15. b. The premises was a community pub with an extensive food and drink offering. ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS To receive and agree the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 14 October 2020 and Wednesday 21 October 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: AGREED the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 14 October and Wednesday 21 October 2020 as a correct record. |