Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA
Contact: Jane Creer
No. | Item |
Councillor Taylor as Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting. Sub-committee members confirmed their presence. Officers, applicants and representative, confirmed their presence. The Chair explained the order of the meeting. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda.
Minutes: NOTED there were no declarations of interest in respect of the item on the agenda. |
HAYATY LOUNGE LIMITED, 303 GREEN LANES, SOUTHGATE, N13 4XS PDF 2 MB Application for a New premises licence. Additional documents: Minutes: RECEIVED the application made by Mrs Abdelmegid Nessrin Anter El Sherbiny for a premises licence at the premises known as Hayaty Lounge Limited and situated at 303 Green Lanes, Southgate, N13 4XS.
1. The introduction by Ellie Green, Principal Licensing Officer, including:
a. The application was for a new premises licence relating to a premise named Hayaty Lounge Limited at 303 Green Lanes, N13 4XS. b. The premises have not held a licence previously, but the husband of the current applicant did apply for a licence in 2011 but was subsequently withdrawn due to objections. c. The applicant is Ms Abdelmegid El Sherbiny and is the wife of Mr Ayman El Sherbiny, who was present; their son Mr Mustafa El Sherbiny was also in attendance. Mrs El Sherbiny is also the Director of Hayaty Lounge Limited. d. This new application is for a Shisha Café seeking various regulated entertainment and late night refreshment between 10:00am – 1:00am daily. e. Mr El Sherbiny confirmed, before the meeting started, that they are only seeking regulated entertainment outside only till 11:00pm. But that they still want the full hours up to 1:00am. It would be a licensable activity because there is no alcohol being sought on this application. f. However, the responsible authorities, namely the Police and Licensing Authority object to any hours sought after 11:00pm and the applicant has not agreed to the reduction in those hours. But they had agreed to conditions set out in Annex 4 detailed from page 89 of the report. g. Present at the meeting was Mrs El Sherbiny (applicant), Mr El Sherbiny (Husband) and their son Mustafa El Sherbiny. There was no legal representation present. Sergeant Leon Christodoulou representing the Police and Charlotte Palmer representing the Licensing Authority were also present. h. In response to an enquiry by the Chair, Ellie Green (Principal Licensing Officer) clarified that the LSC were only considering what the conditions are at Annex 4. The LSC, if they wish, could consider any additional conditions once they had heard representations and could add to these or not. Within Annex 4 the conditions are agreed and there are no conditions the Licensing Authority are proposing that the LSC are required to consider. 2. The statement of Mrs Abdelmegid El Sherbiny (applicant) made by Mr Ayman El Sherbiny on behalf of the applicant including: a. Mrs Abdelmegid El Sherbiny (applicant) confirmed that she has understood that Mr Ayman El Sherbiny (Husband) would be speaking on her behalf. b. The applicant is looking to close the premises at 1:00am which is for the inside and basement of the premises. The outside area and the garden to close at 11:00pm. c. They would ensure no noise would be heard outside and only speaking inside the premises so as not to annoy the neighbours. This was what the applicant was looking for. 3. The applicant and her representatives (husband and son) responded to questions as follows: a. In response to the Chair’s question about ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |