Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 14th February, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA

Contact: Jane Creer 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair


Members AGREED that Cllr Taylor would Chair the meeting.




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Sabri Ozaydin, who was substituted by Cllr Doug Taylor.



Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest received regarding any item on the agenda.


Churchfields Recreation Ground, Great Cambridge Road, LONDON, N9 9LE pdf icon PDF 31 MB

Application for a New Premises Licence – British Alevi Federation.

Additional documents:


On 28 December 2023, an application was made for a new Premises Licence at Churchfields Recreation Ground, Great Cambridge Road, LONDON, N9 9LE, by British Alevi Federation.




1. The introduction by Ellie Green, Licensing Team Manager, including:


a.    The sub-committee were to consider a new premises licence application at Churchfields Recreation Ground, Great Cambridge Road, LONDON, N9 9LE, submitted by the British Alevi Federation.

b.    There was no proposed designated premises supervisor (DPS), as there was no sale of alcohol being sought in the application.

c.     The Alevi had held various outdoor events during summer periods for a number of years, and recently indoor events had taken place in the new event hall via a temporary event notice application.

d.    The outdoor events had cause noise nuisance and some unlicensed activity had been witnessed, specifically in the summer of 2022.

e.    The application originally sought outdoor events to be included in the licence but following mediation with the Licensing Authority, the outdoor activities had been removed from the application.

f.      Conditions had been agreed, namely in relation to traffic management and CCTV with the Police, and as these had been agreed, the Police’s representation had been withdrawn.

g.    The Licensing Authority had also made representations, seeking a number of conditions. All but four of these conditions had been agreed, and only these four remaining conditions should form the basis for discussion and consideration at the hearing, though additional conditions could be added if the committee should wish to do so. These conditions are outlined in the report packs.

h.    The new application had drawn representations from fifteen local residents objecting to the application, mostly that the licence be refused in its entirety based on the prevention of public nuisance licensing objectives. The application had also drawn two supporting representations from the Ward Councillors present.

i.      Churchfields is located off the busy A10, and the grounds are surrounded predominately by residential properties.

j.      The application sought an unlimited licence, meaning there would be no end date, with a capacity of 350 people, for indoor events only. Opening hours sought were 8am to 11pm, with indoor sporting events 10am to 9pm, and live and recorded music and performance of dance midday to 11pm daily.

k.     The Alevi had provided updated plans and policies to support their application and a written response to the representations, including discussion on the outstanding conditions, which are available in the report packs.

l.      OP10, had been nominated spokesperson by a number of opposing parties (OPs), namely OPs 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14 and 15, two of whom were present.

m.   Those in attendance were introduced, and the order of representations and amount of time parties would have to speak was outlined.


2. Mr Olgan Gunduz, Solicitor representing British Alevi Federation, made the following statement:


a.    He said that he would not repeat the written submission and instead directed members of the sub-committee to where in the report packs these written representations, previously made  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.